Generates plantuml inheritance diagrams and class relation diagrams from C# projects.
This projects works with Compilation generated with Roslyn from C# projects or solutions.
Inheritance iagrams are generated from a base type, by including all descendants (recursive inheriting types) in one plantuml diagram.
The code generated for planutuml was initially borrowed from project.
The main differences to this project are:
- Usage of symbol tree instead of syntax tree from Roslyn, in order to correctly create type names including namespaces for the base types and types.
- Combining a set of types (classes and intefaces) by their inheritance relations in one inheritance diagram by providing a single "seed" type only.
- Directly generate svg as well by use of PlantUml server.
The code for remotely accessing plantuml server was borrowed from But as only the remote feature is used here, the project itself is not needed.
Class relationship diagrams connect classes related by properties and fields.