RESTful API for web page scraping and crawling
- stimson-web-api backend
- Table of Contents
- Getting Started
- Make a Google Custom Search Engine
- Make a Google Cloud Console "Project" to get API key
- Docker
Docker for Windows download and installation
Download and install Docker Community Edition. if you have Homebrew-Cask, just type brew cask install docker
Once you've installed Docker Community Edition, click the docker icon in Launchpad. Then start up a container:
Open up a Microsoft Command Window or a Mac Terminal Window
cd ~
git clone
Go to
Create a custom search engine
Get search engine ID
You can test the custom search engine by directly visiting its "Public URL" which is found in "Setup" => "Details" => "Public URL"
Go to
Create a project or select
Enable APIs and services
Select Custom Search API and enable it
Click "Create credentials"
Get your credentials for Custom Search API
Go to Credentials and get API key
cd ~/stimson-web-api
mkdir ~/.cloudshell
touch ~/.cloudshell/no-python-warning
touch .env
echo GOOGLE_SECRET_API_KEY="from google procedure above" >> .env
echo GOOGLE_SECRET_CUSTOM_SEARCH_ID="from google procedure above" >> .env
echo FLASK_APP=app/app/ >> .env
Google Developers Console - Projects (API Key)
Best practices for securely using API keys
Google Custom Search Engine Setup (search Engine ID)
See for more more details
cd ~/stimson-web-api
open http://localhost:8080
To debug docker container
docker run -p 8080:8080 -it --entrypoint=/bin/bash stimson-web-api