This project is based on the template side of Object Oriented Programming in C++. My main class is a template class of "< class T, unsigned int n>", where T is a dinamically allocated array of n spaces, simulating a math vector. The rest part of the program is operator overloading on '=' (assignment), '<<' (output), '>>' (input), '+' (sum of 2 vectors), '*' (product of 2 vectors) etc. All of these functions are template functions. I also handled exceptions and asserted certain rules.
(Acest proiect e bazat pe template-uri in C++ (clase si functii template). Am o clasa principala template de tip <class T, unsigned int n>, unde T este un vector alocat dinamic de n spatii si simuleaza un vector matematic. Programul are functii de operator overloading pe "=" (atribuire), "<<" (output), ">>" (input), "+" (suma a 2 vectori), "*" (produs) etc. Toate acestea sunt sub forma unor functii template. Am incadrat exception handling si assert in cazul unor valori nepotrivite de input.