Releases: Starblaster64/Versus-Saxton-Hale
English translations file was updated again, remember to update it!
- Eviction Notice damage penalty increased from -60% to -75%.
- Eureka Effect tweaked:
- Teleporting to spawn metal cost changed from 110 -> 100.
- Teleporting to exit teleporter metal cost changed from 110 -> 25.
- Candy Cane now spawns a Medium health pack on hit. Passive +25% damage vulnerability.
- Candy Cane now spawns a Small health pack every 250 damage dealt by non-melee damage.
- Updated Air Strike damage HUD. Now shows progress towards next clip size.
- Gunboats fall damage resistance increased from -20% to -30%.
- Sun-on-a-Stick can now cast a 66 damage fireball every 3s. Extinguishes Hale on hit. Deals very little knockback.
- Sandvich now restores Ammo as well as HP. Will be consumed even at full Health.
- Dalokoh's Bar/Fishcake now provides overheal up to 550HP.
- Buffalo Steak Sandvich no longer restricts Heavies to only melee weapons.
- Soldier Shotguns (minus the Reserve Shooter) now deal crits while rocket jumping.
- Heavy shotguns now give 50% of damage back as health.
- Stock: Overheal up to 600HP.
- All Others: Overheal up to 450HP.
- Family Business now has +15% faster movespeed, +20% faster reload speed.
- Killing Gloves of Boxing now grant 5s of crits on hit. No longer replaced with GRU, nor critboosted.
- Updated English translations file.
I privately released VSH 1.55f for testing, but then I ended up finishing 1.55g before releasing 1.55f, so I've compiled a combined changelog below.
I have not marked this version as a pre-release, because I feel it deviates too far from what would legitimately make it into stock VSH. Please look over the changelog thoroughly before updating your server to 1.55g, to see if your playerbase would enjoy it or not.
*_NB:_* Please remember to update your translations file! (only the English translations file was updated, if you require a different language translations file I'm afraid you'll have to translate it yourself, sorry).
- The Enforcer now has a standard +20% bonus damage.
- Stock Revolvers now have +100% ammo.
- Added -40% self blast damage to Soldier backpack items, doesn't apply to the Battalion's Backup.
- Fixed Stock Mediguns/Kritzkriegs having their economy attributes overriden (e.g. Strange parts etc).
- Added new chat notification for new versions of VSH. Will be disabled after using /halenew at least once.
- Updated more lines in the English translations file.
- Backscatter now crits whenever it would normally minicrit.
- Soda-Popper has been unblacklisted now that it requires damage not distance to build Hype.
- Shortstop attributes updated, still grants +20% bonus healing, but must be the active weapon.
- PBP Pistol health on hit increased from +5 to +10.
- Wrap Assassin now has +50% faster recharge rate.
- Eviction Notice now provides while active: +75% faster swing speed, +25% movespeed, 5s speed boost on hit.
- Phlogistinator now restores ammo on MMMPH activation.
- Phlogistinator non-MMMPH damage penalty reduced from -50% to -25%.
- Flaregun/Detonator now crits burning targets, will also affect afterburn (mostly only affects Phlog users).
- Flaregun/Detonator self damage increased from +33% to +50% (matches vanilla TF2's damage).
- Engineer Build PDAs now grant +100% Dispenser range, +25% faster build speed.
- Demoman Boots charge turn control bonus increased from +200% to +300%.
- Eureka Effect reworked (only applies if you enable it in saxtonhale.cfg):
- Teleporting requires at least 110 metal.
- Teleporting to Spawn will restore your HP and ammo/metal. You cannot teleport again for 15s.
- Teleporting to your Exit Teleporter will act as normal, no cooldown.
- Added crits, -40% self blast damage and +33% damage to the Righteous Bison.
- Added -90% fall damage to Darwin's Danger Shield.
- Reduced Gunboats fall damage reduction from 90% to 20%. Increased self blast damage reduction from 60% to 75%.
- CBS's bow now grants -25% knockback while charging the bow up.
- Added new !nohale command to avoid being selected as the Hale.
- Superjump has an initial 7s cooldown at the start of the round.
- All Grenade Launchers except the Loose Cannon now mini-crit airborne targets.
- All Stickybomb Launchers now have -25% self blast damage.
- Liberty Launcher now has +25% explosion radius.
- Holiday Punch grants some escape buffs for 5s if you hit Hale while Raged.
- Points earned for damage dealt are now added to your queue points at the end of the round.
- Fixed Pomson 6000 not being critboosted.
- Buff Banner now grants Crits to the Soldier wearing it while the buff is active.
- Raged non-Scout, non-Eyelander Demoman players are now given a speed boost to help them escape Hale.
- Demoman shield bash damage is now tripled. Bash damage grants charge meter based on damage dealt.
- Persian Persuader now spawns a medium ammo pack on hit.
- Updated English translations file to bring it up to date with (some) recent changes.
Super small update.
- Added missing weapon switch to/from speed bonus attributes to the Claidheamh Mòr
- Updated Demoman Boots + Eyelander nerf to only apply to Demomen with shields
- Also made its TF2Attributes related code consistent with the rest of the plugin
- Removed new declarations requirement for compiling
.SMX compiled using SourceMod
A minor release for the 'unofficial pre-release of 1.56' branch. Just fixes a few small issues that were introduced by me in the last version, plus one more addition that I forgot to add.
- Fixed Claid having the wrong attribute (Charge on hit instead of is_a_sword).
- SpawnRandomHealth/Ammo() will spawn at least one pickup now.
- Added IsValidEdict check to SniperRifle damage (should've been there from the start).
- Minor code cleanup of addthecrit.
Compiled .smx was compiled using Sourcemod 1.7.3-dev+5292.
Another unofficial 'pre-release' of 1.56. There are several issues present in 1.55, and with still no ETA for 1.56, this unofficial release was created for anyone who wanted fixes for those issues. This release also includes some minor new weapon changes that are quite likely to be present in 1.56 or at least in a future version of VSH. Compiled plugin compiled using Sourcemod 1.7.3-dev+5292.
As this is unofficial, I'm releasing it in an 'as-is' state. So if there any bugs with any changes I made, please file a GitHub issue/PR.
- Fixed knife backstab animations
- Reverted Ubercharge change and used a different method to deal with the bug
- Fixed Shortstop and Shananahanahna not receiving correct attributes
- Fixed Rocket Jumper being overridden twice
- Gave CM5K, Righteous Bison and the Quickiebomb Launcher mini-crits on airborne targets
- Fixed mini-crits on airborne targets not working
- Gave Warrior's Spirit +50HP on hit with overheal up to 450HP
- Future-proofed Sniper Rifles, mostly
- Reverted Claidheamh Mòr to pre Tough-Break stats (0.5s longer charge, -15 Max HP)
- Removed bonus switch speed from Mediguns
- Updated Wallclimb ability to no longer work on player clip brushes
- All sword weapons have +25% faster switch-to/from
- Nerfed Demoman boots. Max speed gain from heads will cap out at the usual speed.
- Phlogistinator full heal on MMMPH activation restored
- Re-added the Quickfix's 'match heal target's speed' attribute to Mediguns (No toggle-able CVAR, I'll leave config changes to official releases)
Unoffical pre-release of sorts for VSH 1.56, as there is currently no ETA for it. Compiled using SourceMod 1.7.3-git5275.
This is not the complete version of 1.56, rather it is a portion of what may be included in it.
Fixes Ubercharge ending too early on Medics.
Adds missing attribute to Scorch Shot.
Fixed throwable weapons not being critboosted.
'tf_spec_xray' is set to 2 by default. Allows players to see outlines on all players regardless of their team.