This repository is just for me to learn and play around with the functionalities of Entity Framework (Core)
All Examples are done with MySQL instead of MSSQL
Some general things to get started
NuGet Packages needed:
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore -> Basic Package for EF Core, installs some other Packages that it needs to work
Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools -> Is required for the actions within the Package Manager Console like add migration etc.
Pomelo.EntityFrameworkCore.MySql -> Database provider for MySQL (not required when using MSSQL)
Important: Make sure that the Versions of these NuGet Packages are compatible to each other
Basic commands for the Package Manager Console:
add-migration {mirgation_name}
remove-mirgation {mirgation_name}
Projects within this Repository
-> Basics of Entity Framework like Adding/Removing/Changing/Selecteing Items etc.
-> Usually EF Core is "Code First", to do "Database First" you need something called Scaffolding.
-> What it does, is taking existing databases/tables and genearating the files like migrations etc. we need for using them with EF Core
-> Using EF Core without an actual Database, all is stored on the Computers Memory
-> Maybe useful for Testing? :)