This is the README for your extension "vs-code-extension-for-git-blame". This will help you to check git blame in your any valid directory, on any file on that directory. Enjoy!
This is a vscode extension showing the git blame
feature on vscode. It is written in javascript.
For the author's name we used this const as MATCH:-
: This is a regular expression pattern enclosed within forward slashes.
Different symbols meanings ->
:- start of a line
:- captures one or more characters that are not a closing parenthesis
:- matches a closing parenthesis )
:- captures zero or more of any character except a newline
:- matches any whitespace character
: end of a line
We then use .exec(line) to get the match as an array having match[0] or match[1]:-
match[0] : entire matched substring, it will be the complete line that matches the pattern
match[1] : content captured by the first capturing group ([^)]+)
, the email address enclosed in angle brackets
-> otherwise a null array
The folder must be assigned to a valid parent git repository.
If not try git init
The folder where the git repository is cloned in which we want to execute git blame
should have a valid file path -> having no gaps, no special character.
Clone this repository and start debugging session on vscode.
Open the folder you want to conduct your git blame action on press 'Shift+cmd/ctrl+P' and type "Show Git Blame".
It shows the git blame output on the code itself and also in the debug console of the vs-code-extension-for-git-blame folder, till the debugging session is deactivated.
Clone this repository and start debugging session on vscode.
Open the folder you want to conduct your git blame action on press 'Shift+cmd/ctrl+P' and type "Show Git Blame".
It shows the git blame feature in the code itself and on the debug console of your cloned folder.
If any issue occurs, just stop the debugging session and start a new one. The extension can output git blame as amny times as you want in one debugging session. The file path should be a valid file path and the only 1 file should exist in that file path.