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Rhythmify - Spotify Music Analytics

Rhythmify is a music analytics Flask web application that leverages the Spotify API for generating playlists based on recommendations and helps us in creating a user analysis of their music tastes. This web application is deployed on Heroku.

Check out my medium article as well

Table of Contents

Features of the application

  • Content Based Recommendation system using Tfidf Vectorizer and cosine similarity
  • User Dashboard using Plotly
  • Playlist Generator using Spotify API

Demo of the application

  1. Authorization into Spotify Account: For this, it is required to create an account in Spotify Web API and get a Client_ID and Client_Secret_Key, additionally update the redirect URI including the port in the Spotify API user dashboard. For more details on the authorization procedure, please have a look at : For more details on the API reference end-points please have a look at: Authorization

  2. Playlist Generator: I had incorporated Spotify-API and used the playlist API endpoints to extract my playlist data. Once the playlist is displayed, a new playlist can be generated based on the few tracks selected from the previously saved playlists. I had used the recommendation function provided by the Spotify API to generate the new playlist. Playlist Generator

  3. User Dashboard. This is a music analytics dashboard created using Plotly. I have analyzed my top tracks and artists and created various visualzations. Playlist Generator

  4. Recommendation System. A content-based recommendation system was created to recommend similar artists and songs. For recommending artists, I had leveraged cosine similarity based on genre and tracks and Tf-idf vectorizer to predict the artists based on similarity scores. I had used the Spotify Kaggle dataset Similarily, for songs I had used the same technique, but this time I created a tfidf matrix based on the artists. Artists Recommendation Songs Recommendation

Application Stack

  • Backend: Flask, Jinja2, Python
  • API used: Spotify-API
  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, Javascript
  • Libraries: Numpy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn
  • Visualization: Plotly
  • Deployment: Heroku

How to run the application?

  • Clone the repo into your local machine
git clone
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Once the application is cloned and the account is setup, run the flask app
$ export FLASK_APP="app_name"
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ flask run

Code Improvements (In progress)

  • Expand the Spotify Dataset for more songs
  • Create Flask Blueprints
  • Lyric2Vec and Audio Modelling Recommendation system
  • Mood Based Song Prediction

