This Covid19 Dashboard provides are holistic analysis of the cases of the virus around the world and countrywise. It also provides a vaccination analysis administered worldwide.
The following tasks have been done to create this application
- TASK 1 : Performed data preprocessing and EDA to prepare dataset for proper analysis. Automatic data fetch from JHU dataset on github
- TASK 2 : Data visualization of the worldwide cases was carried out using plotly and altair : Confirmed, Recovered, Deaths. Additionally compared the top 10 countries with Covid 19 cases
- TASK 3 : Data visualization country-wise and province/state-wise was also done using plotly. Additionally a time series comparison was performed for various countries
- TASK 4 : Time Series Forecasting using Prophet was performed for predicting global cases
- TASK 5 : Vaccination Analysis was performed for worldwide, country-wise and vaccine-type wise. Inference from the analysis was noted
- TASK 6 : Deployed the Streamlit App in Heroku Cloud
Clone the repository and install dependencies:
git clone
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run the app using streamlit
streamlit run