Releases: Spr-Aachen/Genshin-to-Honkai-PC-Control-Modification-Project
Releases · Spr-Aachen/Genshin-to-Honkai-PC-Control-Modification-Project
Version 0.4.4
- [Fix] The Automatic Identification can't handle remapping properly while in low health status in combat scene
- [Fix] The issue that the "FT_DangerCombat_" slider for param tuning took no effect
- [Fix] Programm failure caused by invalid variables
- [Add] Resolution support : 3840 x 2160 (tested), 2560 x 1600 (untested)
- [Improve] Speed up program loading at first startup
- [Improve] Brand new icon (self-made)
- [修复] 低血量战斗状态下由自动识别功能误判而导致的操作无响应的问题
- [修复] “濒危战斗识别容错率”调参滑条失效的问题
- [修复] 不合法参数导致的程序报错
- [新增] 分辨率支持:3840 x 2160(已测试)、2560 x 1600(未测试)
- [改进] 提升初次加载速度
- [改进] 新的图标(自制)
Version 0.4.3
- [Fix] The "Cursor Restriction" took no effect after unchecking the "Automatic Idendification" option
- [Fix] Update installation failure caused by path access error
- [Add] Global function: Language Detect. Automaticly detects system languagecode and provides corresponding translation (Currently supports Chinese and English)
- [Improve] View-control function optimzed to speed up the response time of mouse movement
- [Improve] Startup interface layout adapted for English version
- [修复] 在关闭全自动识别后无法使用限制性光标功能的问题
- [修复] 由路径读取错误导致的更新安装失败的问题
- [新增] 全局功能:检测语言,自动检测当前系统语言并提供相应的翻译(目前支持中文和英文)
- [改进] 优化了视角跟随功能以增强对鼠标移动的响应速度
- [改进] 调整了启动界面布局以适应英文版本
Version 0.4.1
- [Fix] Unstable update service due to callback failure
- [Fix] The iteration speed of Screen Detect Function would sometimes be abnormal
- [Fix] The left-click function might cause an error while in combat
- [Improve] View-control function enhanced for smoother camera rotation
- [Improve] Revised details of interface (layout adjustment, background image etc.) and code blocks
- [修复] 回调函数故障导致的升级服务不稳定
- [修复] 屏幕检测功能的速率有概率出现异常
- [修复] 战斗中使用左键点击功能有概率报错
- [改进] 增强了视角跟随功能以减小镜头顿挫感
- [改进] 修改了界面内容以及代码块的一些细节
Version 0.4.0
- [Fix] Mouse Functions (View Control, Aim Control, Mouse Cursor, et cetera) would'nt be toggled automaticly in combat while the suspending/continuing key (F1 by default) was pressed to resume the suspended program.
- [Fix] Failed to load key names correctly (also in wrong order) when customizing mouse buttons through combobox.
- [Fix] Due to the invalid name of some parameters, the Automatic Identification Params Tuning function could't work properly.
- [Add] Start-up interface function: Check for Update (Located in the settings bar). Download and installation would be provided when new version is available.
- [Improve] Remastered the "Automatic Identification" function related code structure to raise the speed of program response.
- [修复] 在战斗界面内按下暂停/启用键以恢复程序运行时视角跟随等功能未自动生效的问题
- [修复] 在启动界面内使用下拉列表自定义鼠标键时按键名未正常显示以及排序错误的问题
- [修复] 由部分参数名称错误导致的识别系统调参功能无效化的问题
- [新增] 启动界面功能:检查更新(位于设置栏),当检测到新版本时可直接下载并安装
- [改进] 重制了识别系统相关的代码结构以提升响应速度
Version 0.4.0 - Beta
Warning: This pre-release is simply just for testing.
Version 0.3.9
- [Fix] Cursor would still be restricted in the zone even after the combat.
- [Add] Tray menu function: Config Delete (Located in the others bar)
- [Add] Start-up interface function: Automatic Identification Params Tuning (Located in the function bar), please note that this function is still in the pilot phase, parameters can be restored through the 'Config Reset' function if any exception occurs
- [Add] Start-up interface function: Config Reset (Located in the settings bar)
- [Improve] Start-up interface function: Changelog Check (Located in the settings bar)
- [Improve] Dependency library updated
- [Improve] Code structure reduxed for better operating speed and readability
- [修复] 进入非战斗界面时光标限制仍未解除的问题
- [新增] 托盘菜单功能:删除配置文件(位于其它栏)
- [新增] 启动界面功能:识别系统调参(位于功能栏),该功能处于试验阶段,若出现异常可以通过载入默认配置来恢复参数
- [新增] 启动界面功能:载入默认配置(位于设置栏)
- [改进] 启动界面功能:查看更新日志(位于设置栏)
- [改进] 更新了依赖库
- [改进] 重置了代码结构以提升运行速度和可读性
Version 0.3.8
- [Fix] The program gives an error while trying to open the configuration file via tray menus.
- [Fix] Issues that the surface cheking key (F3 by default) wouldn't response in combat.
- [Fix] While in combat, the cursor permanently disappeared after releasing LAlt key for the left-click function.
- [Fix] While in combat, the "cursor occlusion" took no effect when the suspending/continuing key (F1 by default) was pressed to resume the program.
- [Fix] Code structure ("Automatic Identification" function related) optimised.
- [修复] 通过托盘菜单打开配置文件时程序报错的问题
- [修复] 在非战斗状态下调出界面键无法生效的问题
- [修复] 在战斗状态下按住Alt键以正常使用鼠标后光标永久消失的问题
- [修复] 在战斗状态下按下暂停/启用键以恢复程序运行时光标无法隐藏的问题
- [修复] 优化了识别系统相关的代码结构
Version 0.3.7
- [Fix] Wrong statements and needless functions revised
- [Add] New function: Better Keymap Costumizing. The whole keymap is now availabe for keyboard and mouse key adjustment.
- [修复] 对一些错误语义和无用函数进行修正
- [增添] 新功能:更好的键位自定义。现支持对所有按键操作进行键盘、鼠标键位自定义
Version 0.3.6
- [Fix] The middle mouse button would probabily remained as click-down status after switching out from the game,
- [Fix] Issues that the mouse key can't be customized and displayed. However, so far the solution is to use combobox to adjust the mouse keys.
- [Add] New function: better tray menu. By right-clicking on the tray icon and move to the "Else" section, can the configuration file be directly accessed.
- [修复] 切出游戏后鼠标中键按下状态有概率未解除的问题
- [修复] 鼠标键无法显示和自定义的问题,但目前只能通过下拉栏目切换鼠标键
- [增添] 新功能:功能化托盘菜单。在系统托盘处对图标右键可以在“其它”栏目中直接打开配置文件
Version 0.3.5
- [Fix] Issues that the charged attack and main skills might get unexpectedly interrupted or toggled.
- [Fix] The selection result of the option "Occluded Cursor" won't be saved properly after it's checked.
- [Add] New function: Custom Key Map. To adjust the default key map, just click the box and press down the key you want (pressing Del or Backspace would set the box to empty).
- [Warning] Due to the technical problem, some keys may not display in the box. However, it won't affect the usage of those keys.
- [修复] 蓄力攻击和主技能会被意外打断或触发的问题
- [修复] 勾选了”可隐藏光标“选项的选择结果无法被正确保存的问题
- [增添] 新功能:自定义键位。若要更改默认键位,点击框并按下想要的按键即可(按Del键或Backspace键可清空框)
- [警告] 由于技术原因,部分按键可能无法显示在框中,不过并不影响它们的使用