This project is no longer maintained. Try the new termclock ruby gem here
Ruby: The program is written in Ruby. So you need to download the Ruby interpreter (ruby 2.5+) to run:
ruby term-clock.rb
Fonts: The noto-fonts and noto-fonts-emoji are needed to display unicode characters used in this program.
- Term-clock root installer will be coming soon. However, this repo is only for non-root usage. You can grab the source code and run it with --download-all option.
- If you zip download the files, you have to run the
Note that this program is only for GNU/Linux. But it's also usable on Termux (though the emojis will not get displayed well). It should also run on BSDs and MacOS though we can't guarantee the support.
Read and edit the configuration file according to your need.
Arguments: The available arguments that term-clock.rb accepts are:
- --download-conf Downloads the configuration file from the internet [gihub]
- --download-quote Downloads missing quote file from the internet [github]
- --download-characters Downloads missing character mapping file.
- --download-all Downloads all the necessary files to run term-clock.
- --help / -h To visit this help section again.
- --version / -v To review the term-clock version.
- --colours Shows all the available colours.
- --tty? Shows if the current terminal is TTY. [Generally code editors are not TTY]
Let me talk about the a bit.
It converts all the characters in the characters.txt to something else you specify. It isn't directly related to term-clock, but if you are interested, run
ruby character_converter.rb -c='your_character'
where your character is a single digit character. Note that this and term-clock is only tested on various GNU/Linux systems.