⚠ This repository is a read-only, archived mirror for fineuploader/php-traditional-server
since it has been deleted.
As such, this project is unsupported and you should probably not use this.
If you want to use this repository anyway, add it as a custom repository in your composer.json
and use the mirror
"require": {
"fineuploader/php-traditional-server": "dev-mirror"
"repositories": [
"type": "vcs",
"url": "git@github.com:SoftwarePunt/fineuploader-php-traditional-server.git"
PHP-based server-side example for handling traditional endpoint requests from Fine Uploader
You can pull down this from packagist via composer! The package name is fineuploader/php-traditional-server
For a step-by-step getting started guide, have a look at the "Getting Started" section on our documentation site.