An instance of this class is used to fix tk.mybatis.mapper.mapperhelper. MapperInterceptor.mapperHelper.msIdSkip(HashMap<String, boolean> threads not threadSafe) through reflect to change msIdSkip.HashMap to msIdSkip.ConcurrentHashMap for threadSafe
The purpose of this class is designed to fix the thread unsafe problems through the way of hack, framework to modify the source code for as little as possible, and at the same time as little as possible to modify the project configuration, better use of the open-closed principle, reduce dependence on tk
if you want to use this function, you need to add an bean instance of this class at your spring.xml,{@link } and you don't need to dependency tk.mybatis
This class don't fit for {@code JDKDynamic} proxy class, if class is the agent of JDKDynamic, this class won't make effects.
@author liuyong @date 2017-08-28
2、使用时只需要声明bean,可以将tk.mybatis.mapper.mapperhelper. MapperInterceptor.mapperHelper.msIdSkip修改成线程安全