jqcpp is a standalone JSON processor software similar to jq. It can process JSON data from standard input and support jq-like filtering and manipulation.
Let $TOP_DIR denote the directory containing this README file.
Let $INSTALL_DIR denote the directory into which this software is to be installed.
To build and install the software, use the commands:
cmake --build tmp_cmake --clean-first --target install
To run a demonstration, use the commands: $INSTALL_DIR/bin/demo
- JSON parsing and validation
- jq-like expression evaluation
- Pretty printing of JSON output
Supported operations: • Indexing: .field, .[index] • Array Slicing: .[start:end] • Arithmetic: +, - • Functions: length, keys
Basic Usage: jqcpp [options] [input-file]
Example Commands: echo '{"name": "John", "age": 30}' | jqcpp '.name' echo '{"users": [{"name": "Alice", "age": 25}, {"name": "Bob", "age": 30}]}' | jqcpp '.users[0]'
Supported Options: -h, --help: Display help information -v, --version: Show version information
Input Methods: Piping JSON data: echo '{"key": "value"}' | jqcpp 'keys' Reading from file: jqcpp 'keys' input.json Interactive mode: jqcpp 'keys' (then type JSON and press Ctrl+D)
Expression Syntax: Expressions in jqcpp allow you to filter and transform JSON data. Here are some common expression patterns:
Identity: . Returns the input unchanged Example: echo '{"name": "John"}' | jqcpp '.'
Object Identifier: .foo Retrieve the value associated with a given field name. Example: echo '{"name": "John", "age": 30}' | jqcpp '.name'
Array index: .[] Retrieves an element from an array by its index. Example: echo '[10, 20, 30]' | jqcpp '.[1]'
Array Slicing: .[start:end] Retrieves a subset of an array. Example: echo '[10, 20, 30, 40]' | jqcpp '.[1:3]'
Arithmetic Operations: + - Perform arithmetic on numeric values Example: echo '{"x": 10, "y": 5}' | jqcpp '.x + .y'
Built-in Functions: length: Returns the length of a string, array, or object. keys: Returns an array of an object's keys. Example: echo '{"a": 1, "b": 2}' | jqcpp 'keys'