Modifier Worktable
New table block for modifying your tool's modifiers.
- Crafted using seared stone and some rocks for the legs. Rocks affect the texture, can be any stone variant supported by tools
- Can remove modifiers using a wet sponge or liquid venom. This replaces the tinker station recipe
- Can hide modifiers using a potion of invisibility. Hiding can be reverted using a bucket of milk
- Can reorder modifiers using a compass
- Bottles can now be filled with more fluids
- All 5 types of slime (earth, sky, ichor, ender, and blood) can be put into bottles and drunk for special effects
- Magma cream can also be placed in a bottle
- Slime bottles and magma bottles can be created using the relevant congealed block in a brewing stand
- Venom can also be bottled. Drinking grants both strength and poison, or it can be used to remove modifiers
- Melting modifier now allows using a smeltery or foundry controller as an alternative to the melter.
Rebalance inventory modifiers
- Most inventory modifiers got buffed as they were a bit too strict before.
- Pockets
- Now has 18 slots instead of 9.
- You can open pockets without sneaking as long as you do not have tool belt or shield strap.
- Tool belt
- Cheaper for the initial level allowing more early game use, costing iron for the ingot.
- Now requires slotless modifiers to add additional slots instead of a second ability slot, each using a successively more expensive ingot.
- If tool belt is combined with shield strap, requires holding control to swap the belt
- Can now open inventory by sneaking and interacting even without pockets
- Shield strap
- Now requires an upgrade slot instead of an ability slot
- Can now open inventory by sneaking and interacting even without pockets
- Pocket chain was removed. For shield strap, just add a second level. For tool belt, use the new slotless upgrades
- Spilling
- Most metals now have unique spilling effects, many in loose reference to the Cosmere
- No refunds are given for ability slots spent on these modifiers before this update, if you wish to reclaim those slots, use a wet sponge before updating.
- Fix certain modded items being allowed in tool belts that shouldn't, notably custom shulker boxes or Create's tool box. If anything seems to be missed, there is a tag blacklist or a method that mod can override.
- Chorus: tier 1 end material with the enderference trait that stops teleportation
- End Stone: New variant of whitestone, making that material available without zinc or tin (though much later game)
- All bone materials now can use their respective bone in the part builder. Before bloodbone, necronium, and blazing bone were composite casting exclusive. The bone items of course still require composite casting to create.
- Obsidian can now be alloyed using mushroom stew as an alternative to water.
- Added a config option to force enable recipes using slime crystals, by default they are changed to fallbacks if geodes are disabled
- Enchanted tools no longer have z-fighting when placed on tables.
- Sand casts, gold bars, and platforms can now be placed in cast chests.
- Fix clear glass not being meltable.
- Fixed protection's description.
- Fix dragonborn being incorrectly listed as 10%.
- Fix scorched tanks showing wrong amount in tooltips.
- Fix foundry byproduct amounts being wrong with changed config in JEI
- Fix tooltip mod name bug if JEI disables the mod name
- Added modifier icons. Currently just shows in JEI, but will have more uses later.
- Added modifier tags, can be used in modifier match entries in recipes.
- Added material tags, can be used in random material loot tables
- Tinker weapons now mark used stats
- Improve speed of texture lookups by a bit. Does not appear to be significant in most packs, but there were some reports of long load times so I tried to improve it where I could.