This package is a simple API laravel wrapper for Pokemontcg with a sleek Model design for API routes and authentication.
You can install the package via composer:
composer require slatyo/laravel-pokemontcg
The package will automatically register its service provider.
To publish the config file to config/pokemontcg.php
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\LaravelPokemontcgServiceProvider"
Default content of config/pokemontcg.php
* Default configuration to run the API
return [
'url' => env('POKEMONTCG_API_URL', ''),
'secret' => env('POKEMONTCG_SECRET'),
is the default wrapper to access everything the
Pokemontcg API has to offer.
To access the cards model you have to call:
$cards = Pokemontcg::cards();
Find a specific card by its id:
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Card;
Find Pokémon's based on HP:
$from = "1";
$to = "100";
$cards->hp($from, $to);
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Card;
Card::hp($from, $to);
Card::whereHp($from, $to); // alias
Find Pokémon's based on their name:
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Card;
Card::whereName('Charizard'); // alias
Find Pokémon's based on their name:
$from = "1";
$to = "151";
$cards->pokedex($from, $to);
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Card;
Card::pokedex($from, $to);
Card::wherePokedex($from, $to); // alias
Find Pokémon's by supertypes
and types
$cards->supertype('mega', 'water');
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Card;
Card::supertype('mega', 'water');
Card::whereSupertype('mega'); // alias
Card::whereSupertype('mega', 'water'); // alias
Search Pokémon's based on a query string - for more details on how the query works check out: Pokemontcg search cards.
$cards->search('name:Char*zard supertype:mega -type:fire');
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Card;
Card::search('name:Char*zard supertype:mega -type:fire');
To access the sets model you have to call:
$sets = Pokemontcg::sets();
Find a specific set by its id:
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Set;
Search Pokémon sets based on a query string - for more details on how the query works check out: Pokemontcg search sets.
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Set;
To access the supertypes model you have to call:
$supertypes = Pokemontcg::supertypes();
Return all supertypes
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Supertype;
To access the subtypes model you have to call:
$subtypes = Pokemontcg::subtypes();
Return all subtypes
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Subtype;
To access the subtypes model you have to call:
$types = Pokemontcg::types();
Return all types
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Type;
To access the rarities model you have to call:
$rarities = Pokemontcg::rarities();
Return all rarities
// or
use \Slatyo\LaravelPokemontcg\Facades\Rarity;
Executing the testbench:
composer test
Running PHPStan
composer stan
Running PHPStan on windows
composer stan-2g
Generate coverage reports
composer test:coverage
composer test:coverage-html
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.
- Daniel Henze
- All Contributors
- This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.