Soar With Sitecore
Best Migration Module to move from XP (traditional) to XM Cloud/Content Hub One/Headless CMS
The purpose of the "Scriban To React" module is to make the migration from XP to Headless easier. This module will allow the end user to select a Rendering Variant's Scriban Template and have it automatically convereted to a TypeScript (tsx) file.
⟹ Provide a video highlighing your Hackathon module submission and provide a link to the video. You can use any video hosting, file share or even upload the video to this repository. Just remember to update the link below
- Sitecore XP
In a Sitecore XP Instance
- Install the SXA module
- Using the package installation wizard, install the Scriban Export module package
- Using the package installation wizard, install the Demo site package
Select any item within an SXA Site node in the Content Tree.
A modal will pop up, prompting for a selection of a Scriban Template from the Rendering Variants folder within that context site.
If the selected item is not a Scriban Template, an "Invalid Selection..." message will be shown and the prompt will ask to make another selection.
When the export is complete a Success message will be shown and the output React .tsx file will be downloaded.
Limitations: This export currently only translates simple examples of Scriban templates into React but could be extended to cover a larger set of fields and perhaps even decision statements. In it's current state it will translate Scriban field accessors that utilize .property notation {{ i_item.Title }} or sc_field functions {{ sc_field i_item "Image" }} and simple templates wihtout decision logic or other embedded functions.
Root nodes:
- /sitecore/content/Hackathon
- /sitecore/Forms/Hackathon
- /sitecore/media library/Project/Hackathon
- /sitecore/templates/Project/Hackathon
- Feature.ScribanExport.dll
- System.Text.Json.dll
- Feature.ScribanToReact.json
- /React Templates/tsx - template.txt
- SPE.config
- items
- /sitecore/system/Modules/PowerShell/Script Library/SXA/SXA - Scaffolding/Content Editor/Context Menu/Export Scriban Template