Automatic Modeling of Metabolic Pathways in Parallel DEVS
- C++17 >
- Boost 1.57 >
- TinyXML-2
- Cadmium
- DESTimes
- DEVSDiagrammer
Note: Dependencies from 3 to 6 comes in this project as submodules: git submodule update -i --recursive
Some variables and concepts have standarized names that are used across the project code, the list of this names is:
- cid: Compartment ID
- sid: Specie ID
- eid: Enzyme ID
- rid: Reaction ID
- rsn: Reaction Set Name
- cd model_generator
- python setup install
- pmgbp_generate_model -f <sbml_file_path> Note: For a complete list of the model generator parameters do: pmgbp_generate_model --help
- Having the model in the project root dir (where the main.cpp file is palced) run: make all
The directory structure format: The structure used in this project for the directory structure was taken from
Step 1:
$sudo apt install cmake libssl-dev libsasl2-dev
Step 2 (install mongo-c-driver):
$ wget $ tar xzf mongo-c-driver-1.17.4.tar.gz $ cd mongo-c-driver-1.17.4 $ mkdir cmake-build $ cd cmake-build $ cmake -DENABLE_AUTOMATIC_INIT_AND_CLEANUP=OFF .. $ make $ sudo make install
step 3 (install mongo-cxx drivers in /usr/local)
$curl -OL $tar -xzf mongo-cxx-driver-r3.6.2.tar.gz $cd mongo-cxx-driver-r3.6.2/build
$ cmake ..
$ sudo cmake --build . --target EP_mnmlstc_core $ cmake --build . $ sudo cmake --build . --target install
Note: If when running the model with memore, there is an error like this one (error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object library file: No such file or directory) try to upgrade the system: $ sudo apt upgrade (this updates g++ and c++ and that is the problem)