Python API for IMGW (Polish: Instytut Meteorologii i Gospodarki Wodnej) public data access with current weather and hydro observations.
pip install imgw-data
- all time related variables are in UTC
- coordinates are in EPSG:4326
- temperature unit is Celsius
- elevation is in meters (above the sea level)
Function gets current weather from IMGW website. Monitored variables (polish: english):
- 'id_stacji': 'station_id'
- 'stacja': 'station_name'
- 'data_pomiaru': 'observation_date'
- 'godzina_pomiaru': 'observation_hour'
- 'temperatura': 'temperature'
- 'predkosc_wiatru': 'wind_speed'
- 'kierunek_wiatru': 'wind_direction'
- 'wilgotnosc_wzgledna': 'relative_humidity'
- 'suma_opadu': 'precipitation'
- 'cisnienie': 'pressure'
- 'mnpm': 'elevation'
from imgw_data import get_current_weather
current_weather_json = get_current_weather() # downloads data as JSON
current_weather_csv = get_current_weather(as_csv=True) # downloads data as string csv
current_weather_xml = get_current_weather(as_xml=True) # downloads data as string xml
current_weather_html = get_current_weather(as_html=True) # downloads data as string html
current_weather_pl = get_current_weather(translate_to_english=False) # downloads original data with Polish sentences
{'station_id': '12295',
'station_name': 'Białystok',
'observation_date': '2024-04-12',
'observation_hour': '7',
'temperature': '12.2',
'wind_speed': '2',
'wind_direction': '250',
'relative_humidity': '68.8',
'precipitation': '0',
'pressure': '1028.6'},
from imgw_data import get_current_weather
current_weather_json = get_current_weather(fname='data.json') # stores data as JSON
current_weather_csv = get_current_weather(fname='data.csv', as_csv=True) # stores data as string csv
current_weather_xml = get_current_weather(fname='data.xml', as_xml=True) # stores data as string xml
current_weather_html = get_current_weather(fname='data.html', as_html=True) # stores data as string html
Function gets current hydrological observations from IMGW website. Monitored variables (polish: english):
- 'id_stacji': 'station_id'
- 'stacja': 'station_name'
- 'rzeka': 'river',
- 'województwo': 'voivodeship',
- 'stan_wody': 'water_level_cm',
- 'stan_wody_data_pomiaru': 'water_level_measurement_datetime',
- 'temperatura_wody': 'water_temperature_C',
- 'temperatura_wody_data_pomiaru': 'water_temperature_measurement_datetime',
- 'zjawisko_lodowe': 'ice_phenomena_code',
- 'zjawisko_lodowe_data_pomiaru': 'ice_phenomena_measurement_datetime',
- 'zjawisko_zarastania': 'vegetation_growth_code',
- 'zjawisko_zarastania_data_pomiaru': 'vegetation_growth_measurement_datetime',
from imgw_data import get_current_hydro
current_hydro_json = get_current_hydro() # downloads data as JSON
current_hydro_pl = get_current_hydro(translate_to_english=False) # downloads original data with Polish sentences
{'station_id': '151140030',
'station_name': 'Przewoźniki',
'river': 'Skroda',
'voivodeship': 'lubuskie',
'water_level_cm': '243',
'water_level_measurement_datetime': '2024-06-16 09:10:00',
'water_temperature_C': None,
'water_temperature_measurement_datetime': None,
'ice_phenomena_code': '0',
'ice_phenomena_measurement_datetime': '2024-01-09 11:00:00',
'vegetation_growth_code': '0',
'2023-09-11 10:00:00'},
from imgw_data import get_current_hydro
current_weather_json = get_current_hydro(fname='data.json') # stores data as JSON
Returns list with station id, station longitude, station latitude among the current active stations.
from imgw_data.stations import get_active_stations_coordinates
active_stations = get_active_stations_coordinates()
['12295', 23.162281307080264, 53.10725901708551]
- Python >= 3.9