Disclaimer: This projects is currently in the very beginning of development. If you wish to contribute, have ideas for the interface, or just simply want to comment something, you're very welcome to do so!
Hahet is a yet another configuration management system written in Haskell. It is intended to be a completely open-source replacement for Puppet/Chef. The goal is to to provide a conscise, extremely freely extendable configuration management and integration system.
Hahet leverages Haskell's type system and provides means to:
- Create and apply your own configurations for your systems, based on different targets (files, directories, packgaes, ...).
- Write reusable configurations as modules, with your custom interface.
- Easily extend the system by defining your own targets.
In this document a system refers to a computer (virtual or not) running some OS.
A Configuration for a system is written as a normal haskell program. Let's dive into an example:
myConf = do
use myNginxConf
And then compiled to an application which applies the configuration on a system it is run from.
main = do
app <- confToApp -- "Compile", check the configuration.
runHahet app [] -- Optional flags may be given from code OR from the
-- command-line.
XXX: Use these combinators instead?
/> setOwner "root
/$ setPerms "644"
/< [qc|
don't add the same disk twice to fstab!
manage $ Service "sshd"
TODO How to write a module?
Hahet consists of the Core Hahet.Core
, which defines the interface for
Modules. A Module specializes in some component of a system (ssh, webserver,
...) and exposes its own Haskell configuration interface for it.
provides some default modules.