Proof of concept application to perform secure file uploads and storage to an S3-compatible store while enforcing BC Services Card authentication.
docker-compose up
name | description | url |
localstack/s3 | localstack S3 service | http://localhost:4566 |
secure-file-storage-api | s3 api gateway | http://localhost:8056/store |
Install the AWS CLI.
aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: 123
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: xyz
Default region name [None]:
Default output format [None]:
Create a bucket using the gateway:
aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:8056/store s3 mb s3://demo-bucket
Attach an ACL to the bucket so it is readable:
aws --endpoint-url=http://localhost:8056/store s3api put-bucket-acl --bucket demo-bucket --acl public-read
Go to http://localhost:8055 to check that the bucket has been created.
Upload a new file using postman collection
Upload a file
request, go to body and clickSelect File
Once you have uploaded your file, you should get a 200 OK response
Get image
request and execute -
You should see your image in postman
An important part of this project is to ensure that we can not only upload files to S3, but do so in a secure fashion. For this, we require our uploaded files to be encrypted. AWS S3 provides default encryption on buckets to satisfy this requirement.
Amazon S3 default encryption provides a way to set the default encryption behavior for an S3 bucket. You can set default encryption on a bucket so that all new objects are encrypted when they are stored in the bucket. When you use server-side encryption, Amazon S3 encrypts an object before saving it to disk and decrypts it when you download the objects.