This repository showcases Stoic-Coder's creation of a Dice Roll Game using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The project was inspired by an assignment from Angela Yu's web development BootCamp. The minimalistic design features dice faces created in Figma, blending white and black elements for a simple and elegant look.
Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript
Design: Figma + OpenSource Illustration library
The development process involved the following steps:
- Created the dice faces and design elements in a Figma file.
- Utilized HTML and CSS to craft great designs.
- Used JavaScript to create custom URLs for image references.
The project has the potential for further enhancements:
- Responsiveness: Consider making the game responsive for a better user experience.
- UI/UX: Explore incorporating 3D dice elements and rotating effects for a visually appealing UI.
Feel free to clone the repository and roll the dice! 🎲
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Open
in your preferred browser.