An NPM package for creating a user management rest API for a register, login, forget, log out, changePassword, send confirmation mail, reset the password a user using database MongoDB by Sendgrid or nodemailer NPM packages.
npm install user_express_app
const UserExpressApp = require('./index.js');
new UserExpressApp({
mail_options: {
mail_type: 'sendgrid', /* 'nodemailer' */
sendgrid_options: {
api_key: 'send_grid_api_key'
nodemailer_options : {
host: '',
port: 587,
secure: false, /* true for 465, false for other ports */
auth: {
user: account.user, /* generated ethereal user */
pass: account.pass /* generated ethereal password */
mail_on_sign_up: true, /* default value false */
from: '',
signup_subject: 'Verification mail',
signup_body: '',
forget_subject: '',
forget_body: ''
model_options: {
other_filed: {
profile_pic: { /*Add more filed for create more fileds */
type: String,
default: ''
name: {
type: String,
default: ''
mongo_options: {
mongourl: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/database_uri'
session_secret_key: 'session_secret_key', /* default value 'session_secret_key' */
main_route: '/userApi' /* default value '/user'*/
same_origin: true, /* default value false (Need to send Token in header) */
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.