This is a demo application based on REST services which is used to fetch bank details, using the data given in the API’s query parameters.
This project includes REST APIs to register a new user (SignUp), Signin a user and fetching details based on its role. The purpose of this project is to show how to make simple calls using GET/POST REST APIs with limit & offset parameters. PostgreSQL is used as backend Database. This application is hosted on heroku at
NOTE: The data available in this repository is used as backend.
Project is created with:
- Java
- Spring Boot
- Java Web Token (JWT)
- Postgresql Database
- Heroku
To run this project, open command line on windows and then run following commands
This API responds back with detail of a bank having same IFSC as given as a parameter in URL.
curl -X GET "{ifsc_code}?offset={0}&limit={1}" -d "{\"username\":\"{name}\",\"password\": \"{password}\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {AcessToken}
Variables are enclosed within Curly braces {} i.e. ifsc_code, offset, limit, name, password and access token are variables here
- IFSC code can be taken from the data available in this repository
- Offset and limit params are dependent on user's choice but in this case only a single response is returned by the API
- Only registered user can be used with this GET API. Otherwise, it will through unauthorized error exception.So, use username and password of registered users only. If not available, then please Signup the user first. New users can be Signed Up, using POST API mentioned later in this repository.
- For generating the access token, please Sign-In the user first. User can be Signed in, using POST API mentioned later in this repository.
curl -X GET "" -d "{\"username\":\"sid\",\"password\": \"123456789\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJzaWQiLCJpYXQiOjE1NjkwMDg0MDUsImV4cCI6MjAwMTAwODQwNX0.aWv1XDFSM_OBOKJ_2DRKSUElqoEGg_hpDpgDUmB7LTxJBlsjHkXeJB85jvAlDex6gtIlNx8MLm4NnluoAUMoQQ
- Sid is registered user here.
- All details mentioned in above curl command are registered and can be directly use in command line.(Validity of access token is five days only, please request for a new access token after five days)
This API responds back with details of a bank, having bank name and a city provided as param in URL.
curl -X GET "{bankname}&city={city}&offset={0}&limit={2}" -d "{\"username\":\"{name}\",\"password\": \"{password}\"}" -H "Authorization: Bearer {Access Token}"
Variables are enclosed within Curly braces {} i.e. bank_name, city, offset, limit, name, password and access token are variables here.*
- Bank_name and city_name can be taken from the data available in this repository
- Replace all the spaces with %20 in the URL.
- Offset and limit params are dependent on user's choice
- Only registered user can be used with this GET API. Otherwise, it will through an unauthorized error exception.
- Use username and password of registered users only. If not available, then please Signup the user first. New users can be Signed Up, using POST API mentioned later in this repository.
- For generating the access token, please Sign-In the user first. User can be Signed in, using POST API mentioned later in this repository.
curl -X GET "" -d "{\"username\":\"sid\",\"password\": \"123456789\"}" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJzaWQiLCJpYXQiOjE1Njk0MDY3MDQsImV4cCI6MjAwMTQwNjcwNH0.Y6aqcc2rhFQU5bSWmB2Bz1KDlvBB9b0oz8Kj-0MFPQ_WGbtc68ZutelA_2wp8taVe5iN4QxbWgrBhxH8uQvlbw""
- Sid is registered user here.
- All details mentioned in above curl command are registered and can be directly use in command line.(Validity of access token is five days only, please request for a new access token after five days)
This POST API is used for registering a new user with a specific role. There are three type of role used in this project:
- User( ROLE_USER )
- Project Manager ( ROLE_PM )
- Admin ( ROLE_ADMIN )
curl -X POST -d "{\"name\":\"{name}\",\"username\": \"{user_name}\",\"email\": \"{mail_ID}\",\"role\": [\"{All_roles}\"],\"password\":\"{password}\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
Variables are enclosed within Curly braces {} i.e. name, user_name, mail_ID, All roles and password are variables here.*
curl -X POST -d "{\"name\":\"shradha\",\"username\": \"betu\",\"email\": \"\",\"role\": [\"user\",\"admin\"],\"password\":\"123456789\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
- Shradha is registered user here. If you run this command in CMD it will through you an exception, username is already taken because username should be unique.
- All roles should be enclosed within square brackets[] and seperated by comma.
- output will be user registered successfully!
This API is used for signing in the registered user. It will respond back with access token which is valid only for five days. After 5 days, user has to SignIn again because his/her is already expired by this time. The actions of the user is restricted based on his role defined in the Sign Up API.
curl -X POST -d "{\"username\":\"{username}\",\"password\": \"{password}\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
- Only registered user can be used with this POST API. Otherwise, it will through an unauthorized error exception.
- Use username and password of registered users only. If not available, then please Signup the user first. New users can be Signed Up, using POST API mentioned later in this repository.
curl -X POST -d "{\"username\":\"sid\",\"password\": \"123456789\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json"
- Sid is registered user here.
- All details mentioned in above curl command are registered and can be directly use in command line.(Validity of access token is five days only, please request for a new access token after five days)
curl -X GET -d "{\"username\":\"{username}\",\"password\": \"{password}\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer {access_token}"
Variables are enclosed within Curly braces {} i.e. username, password and access token are variables here.
- User should be registerd and have role USER specified. Otherwise, this API will through an unauthorized exception.
curl -X GET -d "{\"username\":\"sid\",\"password\": \"123456789\"}" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJzaWQiLCJpYXQiOjE1NjkwMDg0MDUsImV4cCI6MjAwMTAwODQwNX0.aWv1XDFSM_OBOKJ_2DRKSUElqoEGg_hpDpgDUmB7LTxJBlsjHkXeJB85jvAlDex6gtIlNx8MLm4NnluoAUMoQQ"
- Sid is registered user here and have role USER specified to him.
- All details mentioned in above curl command are registered and can be directly use in command line.
- In a similar way a test can be run for admin and pm role as well. Just use admin/pm in place of user in the heroku URL i.e. or
3. GET API to fetch a bank details, given branch IFSC code
4. GET API to fetch all details of branches, given bank name and a city
List of APIs ready are
- User SignUP
- User SignIN
- API to check user authorize content
- API to fetch all bank details
- API to fetch a bank details, given branch state
- API to fetch a bank details, given branch city
- API to fetch a bank details, given branch state and city
- API to fetch a bank details, given branch IFSC code
- API to fetch a bank details, given branch city
Project is: in progress
Created by @Shradha - feel free to contact me! ;)
If you want to run this project on local host. Kindly clone it and just replace heroku URL with your localhost URL. :)