It's a simple program to check whether two strings are anagram or not.
Run the following command to install this package in your package.
yarn add @showrin/anagram_checker
If you are using npm, then run the following command.
npm install @showrin/anagram_checker
Go to the link:
Clone the repo first. To do so, go to the directory where you want to keep this repo. Then open the terminal from here and run the following command.
$ git clone
Then navigate to the repository using this command.
$ cd anagram_checker
After cloning, if you are using yarn
, install the required modules by running the following command.
$ yarn
Or use the following command if you are using npm
$ npm install
Now open the index.html
file with any browser and you will get the following UI. Here you can give two strings and pressing enter or pressing the button, you can check whether the given strings are anagram or not.
This program has following development dependencies.
Module Name | Version | Why it's used |
@babel/plugin-transform-modules-commonjs | ^7.10.4 | It's being used for using ES6 import-export in node |
jest | ^26.4.1 | It's being used for writing and running tests |
First convert all charaters to lowercase.
Then remove all the space characters. (To do so, split strings by the space characters and join them. Now all the spaces have gone.)
After that sort both strings.
Then compare these two sorted strings.
If they are anagram, they must be equal otherwise they are not anagram.
You can add your tests in ./modules/anagram_checker.test.js
this file like the following:
test("Should not be anagram", () => {
expect(anagramChecker("eat", "tar")).toBe(false);
test("Should not be anagram when there is an empty string", () => {
expect(anagramChecker("lamp", "")).toBe(false);
After that you can run tests using this command in the console.
yarn test
Or use the following if you are using npm.
npm test
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.
And your changes will be visible here after getting merged into the master.