This is a simple web application built using Flask that generates bios based on user-selected traits, careers, and interests. The application allows users to select from predefined categories and generate a personalized bio. It’s a fun tool that can be used to quickly create bios for people with different characteristics and preferences.
This project was created as a learning exercise to practice the basics of web development and Flask. Additionally, it is part of an internship assessment I received from WolfPack, which I worked on to demonstrate my ability to develop a simple, functional web application. The goal was to understand how to create a basic Flask web app with form handling, template rendering, and validations.
- Career selection: Choose from various career options.
- Interest selection: Select an interest or hobby.
- Trait selection: Pick a personal trait.
- Randomized Bio Generation: Based on your choices, a bio is randomly generated from a set of predefined templates.
- Form Validation: Ensures that all fields are selected before submission.
- Simple, user-friendly interface for easy navigation and bio creation.
- Python 3.x
- Flask (for web framework)
- HTML/CSS (for front-end)
- Jinja2 templating (used in Flask to dynamically render HTML pages)
- Git for version control
- GitHub for code hosting
To run this project, you'll need:
- Python 3.x installed on your machine.
- pip (Python package installer).
Follow these steps to set up this on your local machine:
Clone the repository:
git clone cd bio-generator
Set up environment variables: Create a
file and add a secret key:SECRET_KEY=your_secret_key
Run the Flask application:
The app should now be running at
- Open the web application in your browser by navigating to
. - From the homepage, select a career, interest, and trait from the dropdown menus.
- Click "Generate Bio" to see a customized bio based on your selections.
- If any field is left blank, the application will prompt you to fill in all fields before proceeding.
Below are the screenshots of the Bio Generator web application:
If you'd like to contribute to this project, feel free to fork the repository, create a new branch, and submit a pull request with your changes.
- Thanks to WolfPack for the opportunity to work on this project as part of their internship assessment.
This project is open-source and available under the MIT License. - see the LICENSE file for details.