Answer File Changes
*Removed Pins and One Drive from the Start Menu (in Windows 10), also made some minor changes.
*Changed Locations of some files of the Shivaay folder.
Fixed Clipboard Delay (Thanks to Aftab for pointing out this issue)
*Not Restoring Legacy Photo Viewer by default.
*Using My Safemode approach to disable defender as it's a more efficient way.
*Disabled Core Isolation again by default as it reduces CPU performance by 5% (in my case).
*Removed additional commands for disabling various components, as the running folder scripts can handle it as well.
Removed BranchReadinessLevel policy registry looks like it doesn't do anything.
Removed Smart Screen script (I'll work on it later).
Shivaay Folder Changes
Updated Cleanup Script (Fully Changed Cleaning methods and converted it into a Powershell script)
Updated Defender Script (To automatically reboot to normal mode after Toggling defender)
*Included Compact OS (as I use this on every Installation)
Additional Features Script Changes
Added Script to Restore or Remove Legacy Photo Viewer in System Management.
Update Script Changes
Included everything from above, except the ones with an asterisk (*)
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