What it does:
1.A Toolbox that incorporates Six optimization algorithms under a single umbrella. 2.Individual GUI�s for each and every algorithm. 3.Graphical representations of the results.
How to run:
- Open the Code folder containing all the required files.
- Open the mastergui.m file
- Click on Run
- Click on any of the push-button to launch a particular algorithm GUI.
Following are the steps to run different algorithms: 1.PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization):
Select different functions from Function Drop down list. Select type of optimization (minimization/maximization). Click on 'Plot it!'(2D and 3D graph will be plotted)
After plot it: You can change the different parameters(Geneartion limit, Population Size, Precision) Velocity factors can also be changed Click on Run (Simulation will start)
For all other algorithms(GWO/SCA/MVO/WAO/ALO):
You can change the following parameters(if you want to): Number of particles Number of iterations Lower Bound and Upper Bound Number of varibles Objective Function (Write it in coste function file)
By selecting search history: Past reslts will be stored and shown simutaneously.
Click on 'Start Optimization' (Graphical Simulation begins) Results will be displayed