A repository for a CEA plugin that calculates crop yields (kg), environmental impacts including GHG Emissions (kg CO2-eq), energy (kWh) and water use (litre), costs including capital and oeprational expenditures (USD) for the selected crop type on the selected building envelope surface.
To install, clone this repo to a desired path (you would need to have git
installed to run this command. Alternatively, you can also run this command in the CEA console, which comes with git
git clone https://github.com/shizhongming/cea-plugin-bia.git DESIRED_PATH
Open CEA console and enter the following command to install the plugin to CEA:
pip install -e /Users/your_name/Documents/GitHub/cea-plugin-bia
In the CEA console, enter the following command to enable the Calc-Dli plugin in CEA:
cea-config write --general:plugins bia.calc_dli.CalcDliPlugin
In the CEA console, enter the following command to enable the BIA-assessment plugin in CEA:
cea-config write --general:plugins bia.bia_assessment.BiaAssessmentPlugin
In the CEA console, enter the following command to enable the BIA-profiler plugin in CEA:
cea-config write --general:plugins bia.bia_profiler.BiaProfilerPlugin
In the CEA console, enter the following command to enable the BIA-plotter plugin in CEA:
cea-config write --general:plugins bia.bia_plotter.BiaPlotterPlugin
(Following the steps and ignore warnings, if any.)
Now you should be able to enter the following command to run the plugin:
cea calc-dli
cea bia-assessment
cea bia-profiler
cea bia-plotter