Small Update [3.7.0]
Due to changes in the Skript 2.10.x API, SkBee will be updating to require Skript 2.10.x+
This will be the last version to support Skript 2.9.x
There are two jar files below, the jar marked with "Skript-2.9" is for Skript 2.9.x servers
The other jar is for Skript 2.10.x+ servers
^ Did you read that above?
No seriously... DID YOU READ THAT? ^^^ UP THERE!!!
- Added an option to use fallbacks in translate components
- Cookie retrieve section will now run even if theres no cookie
- Fixed a performance issue with using the tag of nbt expression on the nbt of an item
- Fixed a bug where Skript's kick effect didn't work in cookie section
The following items have been added to Skript, and therefore removed from SkBee if running Skript 2.10+
- Villager type/profession/level/experience (types and expressions)
- ItemFlag (type and expressions)
- PotionEffectCause (type)
- Last death location expression
- Block drop item event
- Breed event entities expression
- Entity breed event
- Entity is ticking condition
- FishHook in open water condition
- Beacon effect/activate/deactivate events
- Minecraft Tag elements (type/expressions/conditions)