A Website related Blood Bank
Blood Bank Management System
Database/tables are included in the database folder
sample user details: username : shanev password : abc123
admin details: username : admin password : admin123
-> First Open "Main.html" using localhost.
-> Sign in and sign up(Validations given) option for user and sign in option for admin (credentials given above).
User Functions:
-> Search function : -> enter blood group and press adjacent search button to see available donors. -> enter city and press adjacent search button to see donors in the particular city.(available cities:Banglore,Hyderabad,Delhi,Chennai,Mumbai,etc.)
-> Request blood function : -> Enter the email address and the required blood group,then press request button, "request processed email" will reach to the entered email address. -> When request is made, a unit of blood is deducted from the quantity of that selected blood group from the database.
-> Our Members function : Displays all the donors with their details
->Donate blood function: -> Fill the form to join the system as a donor -> Form has the necessary validations: ->First and Last Name should be characters ->DOB should be selected such as the person in atleast of 18 years of age ->Suitable date should be a date after today. ->Phone no validation ->When you click submit, donor info will be stored to the database ->Logout : takes you back to the main page
Admin Functions:
->Transfer function: In case of emergencies,when the bloodbank runs short of blood,it can request other blood banks.
-> Choose the bloodbank,bloodgroup,and quantity required
-> When you press request button, an email will be sent to the selected bloodbank.
->Organise Camp function:
->Fill the form to conduct a blood donation camp.
->When you click Organise button, an email will be sent to all the users of the system with all the camp details you filled.
->Donor list function: ->Enter a date and press confirm,it will show you all the donors who all are available for donation on that particular date.
->Inventory Management:
->Choose a blood group and click Check Availability,You will be able to see the available units of that particular blood group.
->Choose a expiry date and press Check Quality, you will see all the blood groups which are not expired.
->For all the blood groups which are expired with respect to the date entered,a unit of blood will be discarded from the database.
->Logout : takes you back to the Main page.