Github link:
The development environment uses a VS code development container.
- The development container is based of the default nodeJs Docker image
- The image used for the dev container can be re-used for deploying the service to the cloud
- The dev container is set to install a set of default VS code plugins:
a postMan Clone that is present inside VS codeSpell checker
Mongo DB
plugin for connecting and debugging the databaseJest
for running tests from the IDE
Setting up typescript compilation and default packages
- This guide was used for getting node, express and typescript to work with each other
- Typescript was selected due to the advantages that type checking and autocomplete provides with reducing bugs and speeding up development with autocomplete
setup Linting and formatting configurations
- Eslint and prettier were selected as they are the industry defaults
Selecting packages and plugins for the project
- morgan - Logging middle ware for express JS
- Mongoose - For interacting with the mongo data base
- express-validator - validating user input
- bycrypt - hashing passwords so they are not stored as plain text
- jsonwebtoken - For creating the JSON web tokens for oauth
- Faker - For creating dummy data in the tests
Project structure - The folder structure of the project follows industry standards, all code is located in the
subfolder contains specific handlers for the different API endpoints.src/app/models
subfolder contains the types for database / API interaction.src/app/utils
contains utility code and classes.src/testing
Contains all the test code
folder contains the compiled javascript that is run by node.
- Open the project in VS code
- Copy
and rename it to.env
. Add all the secure details for the deployment - Install the remote development extension for VS code
- Re-open the project inside the development container - This should start the docker image and attach VS code to it.
- run
npm run dev
to start the dev server
- The file that implements the API routes in
- The file that implements the mongo models is in
contains helper code
POST ${host}/user/signup -> user posts email, username and password to register themselves on the app
POST ${host}/user/login -> user posts email and password to authenticate themselves and receive a JWT token
GET ${host}/user -> User can see their own public details
GET ${host}/user/${userID} -> User can see the public details of other users
- A 200 response containing the Public view of the User is returned when signing up
- A 409 response is returned if an email or username is already in use
- A 400 response is returned if any of the fields are missing
- A 400 response is returned if the password complexity is not met: 8 char min, 1 capital, 1 number, 1 symbol
POST user/signup
"email": "${email}",
"password" : "${password}",
"userName" : "${username}"
POST user/login
"email": "${email}",
"password" : "${password}"
A 400 response is returns if any of the fields are missing
A 403 response is returned when the username or password does not match
A 200 response is returned when successfully logging in {message: "auth succeeded", "token" : "${jwt token}"}
A 400 response is returned when the user ID does not exist
When A user is successfully found the returned format is
GET user/${userId}
"user": {
"userName": "${username}",
"email": "${email}",
"likedComments": [
"${mongo ID}"
"diLikedComments": [
"${mongo ID}"
"posts": [
// ${Post JSON}
"comments": [
// ${Post JSON}
const userSchema = new Schema<IUser>({
_id: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, required: true },
userName: { type: String, required: true },
email: { type: String, required: true },
passwordHash: { type: String, required: true },
likedComments: { type: [Schema.Types.ObjectId], required: false, default: [] },
diLikedComments: { type: [Schema.Types.ObjectId], required: false, default: [] },
Some notable design decisions with the documents
- The password is stored as a slated hash as part of security considerations
- Liked/disliked comments are stored on the User Document. This was a performance consideration.
- Posts will be interacted with by many users, Incrementing / decrementing a counter is an quick operation
- User documents will not be under such a high interaction rate, so more expensive find and remove operations are done on them instead
- Posts are not stored on the User document, Posts made by a user a found by listing all Post documents with a matching user ID
- The file that implements the API routes in
- The file that implements the mongo models is in
GET ${host}/posts/topics -> return a list of valid topics
GET ${host}/posts/topics/${topicID} -> return a list of all the live posts that are not comments matching that topic
GET ${host}/posts/topics/${topicID}/expired -> return a list of all the expired posts that are not comments matching that topic
GET ${host}/posts -> return a list of all the live posts that are not comments without any topic filter
GET ${host}/posts -> return a list of all the expired posts that are not comments without any topic filter
GET ${host}/posts/${postID} -> view a single post and a list of all the comments on it
POST ${host}/posts -> Create a new post
POST ${host}/posts/${postID} -> Comment on a post
POST ${host}/posts/${postID}/like -> Like a post
POST ${host}/posts/${postID}/dislike -> dislike a post
User cannot like, dislike or comment on post that is marked as expired
All Posts go expired depending on the
environment variable- When attempting to interact with an expired comment as 400 response is returned
All API endpoints on /post require a jwt token from the /login endpoint
- When attempting to interact without a token a 403 response is returned
All posts require atlas one topic entry in
"politics", "Health", "sport", "Tech"
- when a person likes a post that they have already disliked it un-does the dislike and vice versa
- When a person likes/dislikes a post a second time it un-does the first action
- The parentId field is only present on comments
- A person cannot like or dislike their own post
- When Listing posts on a topic or globally, the comments are compressed into a count. To view individual comments you need to specifically
a post
users can append ?orderBy=
query to to the /posts
and /posts/topics/${topicID}
by default the ordering is by created date
?orderBy=Liked # order by the most liked posts
?orderBy=Disiked # order by the most Disliked posts
?orderBy=Activity # order by the most liked and disliked posts
"title" : "${title}"
"userName": "${username}",
"content": "${content}",
"likes": 0,
"dislikes": 0,
"created": "2023-12-05T15:06:58.468Z",
"topics": ["Tech"],
"link": "${host}/posts/${mongo ID}",
"user_link": "${host}/users/${mongo ID}",
"post_type": "Post", // or Comment
"comments": 1,
"status": "Active", // or "inactive",
"Expires_in" : "1 hour"
POST /posts
"title" : "${title}",
"content" : "${content}",
"topics" : ["${valid topic}"]
POST /posts/${postId}
"content" : "${content}",
This is the final schema for Posts and Comments
const PostSchema = new Schema<IPOST>({
_id: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, required: true },
title: { type: String, required: false, default: null },
ownerId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, required: true, ref: "User" },
userName: { type: String, required: true },
parentId: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, required: false, default: null, ref: "Post" },
childIds: { type: [Schema.Types.ObjectId], required: false, default: [], ref: "Post" },
content: { type: String, required: true },
likes: { type: Number, required: false, default: 0 },
dislikes: { type: Number, required: false, default: 0 },
activity: { type: Number, required: false, default: 0 },
created: { type: Date, required: true },
topics: { type: [String], enum: Object.values(ValidTopics), required: true },
The Post Document represents both root posts and comments
With performance in mind there the number of references to other documents is kept to a minimum
- Since there are no deletions only append operations need to happen on the document.
- Who liked or disliked a post is not tracked on the post itself
Only the Created Date is stored on the document
- If its active or not is calculated on the fly by the application, this allows for configuring the expiry time of a post without the the need for migrations and the ability for dynamic information such a countdown to the expiry
Only immediate children are considered for the comment count, The design does allow for branching threads (tree like structures) counting comments across the tree would be extremely expensive as multiple database queries would be made.
- Adhoc testing during the development is done with the postman clone thunder client.
- The
packages are used for the structured testing. These where selected as recommendations from the following guide. - To run these tests you need to type into the terminal
npm run test
it integrates with the jest vs code plugin and allows breakpoint debugging.supertest
is a test framework specifically express app and integrates directly with itMongoMemoryServer
is used to to create temporary databases, preventing pollution from run to run
contains all the tests specified by the worksheetsrc/test/auth.test.ts
covers the sign up processsrc/test/expired.test.ts
covers the behaviour of expired postssrc/test/post.test.ts
covers the behaviour of posting and commenting on the appsrc/test/OrderBy.test.ts
contains all the tests specific to the order of listing postssrc/test/utils.ts
contains code for common functionality used in the tests
Build the app with the following command
docker build -t piazza -f .devcontainer/Dockerfile .
Run the app with the following command
docker run -p 80:80 --env-file .env piazza
- Testing the app works across the internet
This Report was written as the application was being developed.
- I learnt about express using this youTube tutorial series:
- I followed this to setup typescript for myp project
- The Jest tutorial was used to set up testing in the repository
Please see the Testing section for details on where to locate the tests and how to run them