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Example project as introduction to modern web development

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This is an example for Vue 2 - If you want to see Vue 3 using the Composition API check out the vue3 branch

This is an example project for playing with Vue, Express, document stores, and other modern web development tools. It's meant to be a structured learning tool so that you have a working base application to use rather than just running "Hello World" style applications. If you're new to web development or the last time you worked on a website was with the LAMP stack, see the references at the bottom of this file first.

Getting Started

npm install
npx webpack
node app

Connect your browser to http://localhost:3000



The server is an ExpressJS server found in app.js, the only file necessary for the backend. This runs using NodeJS with node app. It exposes port 3000 allowing a browser to connect to that port and interact with the website. It runs a LokiJS database which is a simple, in-memory document store that's going to host our notes.


The UI is a single-paged website. VueJS provides the data-binding framework while Bootstrap provides the look and feel. Vuex is used for state management. Webpack is used to generate all the assets from the HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Vue components. The webpack configuration is found in webpack.config.js. The base HTML is located in src/static/index.html and the entry point for the JavaScript is in src/ui.js. The ui.js file then references a mixin in src/helpers as well as a number of Vue single-file-components (SFCs) in src/components. When webpack is finished, the results are put into the public folder with the server application hosts.

Making Changes

The npm install run earlier downloaded all of the dependencies necessary for running the application. It shouldn't be necessary again. When making changes to the UI components, you will need to re-run npx webpack. You may wish to run npx webpack -w instead in a different terminal. This will watch the UI files for changes and auto-compile whenever one of them changes. For the server in app.js however, you will need to use Ctrl+C to kill the server and restart it with node app each time. You do not need to restart the server if your changes are only in the UI. Just refresh your browser and you'll see your new UI code.

Tasks / Things to Do

As a teaching tool, the following tasks give you an opportunity to make changes throughout the application. These start easier and get more complex as they go.

Prevent Blank Title's and Filters

If you press Space in the Title Filter component, it will filter out any titles without a space. In addition, you can create a title with just spaces or no text at all. Prevent both of these cases from happening.

HINT: Edit TitleFilter.vue and SidePanel.vue. Make use of the .trim() JavaScript function for strings and :disabled for buttons.

Add A Filter Icon

When a title filter is added, the list on the left only shows titles that match that filter. It may not be obvious that the values shown have been filtered. Provide a filter icon on the list to show that the results have been filtered.

HINT: Edit NoteList.vue and make use of the funnel-fill icon. See the use of the trash-fill icon to see how it's used.

Allow Pressing Enter for the Add Title Modal

When you attempt to add a new note and are asked for a title, you cannot just press Enter when done typing. Add that ability.

HINT: Edit SidePanel.vue. You may need a form component and then make use of @submit

Add Confirmation for Delete

If you click a trash icon, the note is removed permanently. Instead, show a modal to force the user to confirm removal.

HINT: Edit NoteList.vue and refer to the SidePanel.vue and Bootstrap documentation for how to use a modal.

Refactor Components

Cleanup some of our code. Refactor the ViewPort component out. Instead of using commit, add actions to the Vuex store and switch to calling dispatch.

HINT: Actions will be added to the store initialization in ui.js. When removing the ViewPort, be sure that the NoteEditor is imported into the container AND specified as a component.

Fix Active Id With Title Filters

Click on a note, then add a Title Filter that does NOT include that note. The note contents will still be available in the editor even though the selected note isn't shown. Fix this issue.

HINT: Different options. Refactor so that the filtered notes are now in the state instead of generating them in the computed field in NoteList.vue. That allows the editor component to see if the current id is in the filtered notes and adjust accordingly. Another option is to do the same type of computed structure in the editor to also see if the note is in the filtered list.

Add a Clear All Capability

Add a button to the sidebar that will delete all notes.

HINT: Add a new route to app.js, an entry for it in mixinServerApi.js, a button to SidePanel.vue, and then update the store.

Refactor out the $loki id

LokiJS uses $loki as the unique, auto-incrementing id for each record. This id is used both in the server and the UI for differentiating records. Unfortunately this ties the UI to LokiJS when it should be decoupled. Add a uid field to the note records and use that instead in the UI.

HINT: Loki doesn't allow you to rename the id, but that doesn't stop you from adding a new field to your document.



Example project as introduction to modern web development






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