'form.io' formats textual data for R Markdown / R Notebook documents and provides figures, tables and equation numbering and crossreferencing for all types of R Markdown documents.
You can install the released version of 'form.io' from CRAN with:
You can also install the latest developement version. Make sure you have the 'devtools' R package installed:
Use install_github()
to install the 'form.io' package from Github (source from master branch will be recompiled on your machine):
R should install all required dependencies automatically, and then it should compile and install 'form.io'.
Latest devel version of 'form.io' in the "master" branch (source + Windows binaires for the latest stable version of R at the time of compilation) is also available from appveyor.
You can get further help about this package this way: Make the 'form.io' package available in your R session:
Get help about this package:
library(help = "form.io")
vignette("form.io") # None is installed with install_github()
For further instructions, please, refer to the related web site at https://www.sciviews.org/form.io/.
Please note that the 'svSweave'form.io' package is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.