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cpp coding guidelines
C++ Standard:
- C++ 14, higher standards are currently not allowed
- Use the
Naming rules:
- Classes begin with large Letters , e.g.
class MyClass
- functions, methods, variables use small letters + underscore, e.g.
- member variables should be generally private (we allow exceptions from this rule) and should be named with a leading "m_", e.g.
Return Values:
- If only one object is output, use return, for multiple objects, pass by reference (we still have to check std::expected)
- The semantics of return value arguments have to make clear, how the ownership is handled
- If the function creates an object (allocates), pass it as
- If the function simply changes an object, pass is as
- If the function creates an object (allocates), pass it as
- Avoid producing unnecessarily long outputs. Ensure that all output is concise and limited to relevant information.
- In order to avoid MPI deadlocks, do not use exceptions. Use logging or return codes.
- Do not use printfs
- Use the logging functions from
- For debug logs, use
- Please use include guards with capitalized name of the header file (test.h -> #ifndefine TEST_H)
- Sort includes according to
- own header
- headers from the same library
- specific third party library (e.g., hdf5, and eigen)
- general third party/standard library
Code Documentation:
- Use doxygen docstrings. In particular
- Write an explicit
for method documentsions. Continue the detailed description in the next line. - Always start a line with a capital letter and end with a dot.
- The plural of classes, objects etc. should be denoted with a
sign between class name and plural s, e.g.,Household%s
. This is in order to visualize it correctly and provide a link on the doxygen page. - Use
, or[in, out]
in order to clarify if parameters are used as input, output or in- and output parameters. - To reference to enums put a # sign before the name.
- Plase also provide a description for member variables; use
for two lines. Keep it short.
- Write an explicit
The style guidelines are adopted from TiGL.
- Use 4 spaces indentation. Don't use tabs!
- Exceptions:
- public/protected/private keywords in class definitions
- namespaces
namespace mio
namespace foo
namespace bar
/*some code*/
} // namespace bar
} // namespace foo
} // namespace mio
- Braces in new lines:
class Secir
double m_member;
- If you use several lines for a functions definition/declaration, align the function arguments horizontally
ReturnCode compute_something(Arg1 arg1,
Arg2 arg2,
Arg3 arg3)
- space before and after condition
- Braces in the same line
if (psi.size()<=2) {
else {
double psimax = psi[psi.size()-1];
for (size_t i = 0; i < psi.size(); i++) {
some code
switch (GetSymmetryAxis()) {
return zmax - zmin;
return ymax - ymin;
The Clang-Format Tool can also be used to reformat the code to our style. Here are the settings that should comply to our style.
BasedOnStyle: LLVM
IndentWidth: 4
SortIncludes: false
ColumnLimit: 120
AlignTrailingComments: false
AccessModifierOffset: -4
AlignConsecutiveAssignments: true
ReflowComments: false
AfterClass: true
AfterFunction: true
BeforeElse: true
BeforeCatch: true
AfterNamespace: true
AfterEnum: true
BreakBeforeBraces: "Custom"
PointerAlignment: Left
AllowShortFunctionsOnASingleLine: false
NamespaceIndentation: None
BreakConstructorInitializersBeforeComma: true
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes
AllowShortLambdasOnASingleLine: Empty
These settings are set in the file .clang-format
in the root directory of the repository.
Using clang-format with either Qt, Visual Studio Code, or VSCodium
The Beautifier plugin shipped with QtCreator supports clang-format (help could also be provided by https://www.vikingsoftware.com/using-clang-format-with-qtcreator/), so you will be able to automatically format your code. For Visual Studio Code, install the Clang-format extension and add the lines:
"editor.formatOnSave": true,
"clang-format.executable": "...path...to...clang-format-executable",
to your settings.json and store the above code formatting rules in a file named ".clang-format" in the working directory of VSCode.
Note: The clang-format provided by default in Debian/Ubuntu is quite old and with our style file the issue
AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: Yes
Error reading PATH/.clang-format: Invalid argument
might appear. In that case, update clang-format or install a newer version (e.g. clang-format-10) manually and point to its executable.