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Robot Framework with Playwright tests

In this project I demonstrate some features of Robot Framework and Playwright framework,for automation E2E tests.

This project includes:

  • Frameworks:

    • Robot Framework
    • Playwright
  • Features:

    • Authenticated test sessions with signed states
    • Screenshot on fail and attach to reporter
    • Generate trace file
    • Using trace file for debug test
    • Variable files and custom Keyword

Demo Pages

For these tests I use a Sauce Labs demo app which can be found here: Sauce Demo


Getting Started

Create a virtual environment:

$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate

Install dependencies:

$ pip3 install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

Configure Browsers:

$ rfbrowser init

To run tests in Chrome (for headless mode change HEADLESS to True, or change de variable value in tests/resources/ )

$ robot -v BROWSER:chromium -v HEADLESS:False -d ./logs tests

To run tests in firefox Browser:

$ robot -v BROWSER:firefox -d ./logs tests

Suite configuration, Setup And TearDown

In file tests/init.robot, there a code responsible for create state session files e generate browser sessions logged with users form tests/fixtures/users.json ho is used for all tests in folder tests

# __init__.robot
*** Settings ***
Library             Browser
Library             OperatingSystem
Library             JSONLibrary
Variables           ./resources/

Suite Setup         Save Loged State File for user in ${file_path}
Suite Teardown      Remove Directory    ${OUTPUT_DIR}/browser/traces/    recursive=True

*** Variables ***
${file_path}            tests/fixtures/users.json
${logo_text}            css=.app_logo
${filed_username}       css=[data-test=\"username\"]
${filed_password}       css=[data-test=\"password\"]
${login_button}         css=[data-test=\"login-button\"]

*** Keywords ***
Save Loged State File for user in ${file_path}
# Keyword ho interate over ${file_path}, get user and password, do login and save a state file for eatch user

    # Load json file
    ${json_data}=    Load Json From File    ${file_path}

    FOR    ${user}    IN    @{json_data['users']}
        ${username}=     Set Variable    ${user['user']}
        ${password}=     Set Variable    ${user['password']}
        New Browser      ${BROWSER}    headless=${HEADLESS}
        New Context      viewport={'width': ${SCREEN_WIDTH}, 'height': ${SCREEN_HEIGHT}}
        New Page         ${BASE_URL}
        Type Text        ${filed_username}    ${username}    clear=True
        Type Text        ${filed_password}    ${password}    clear=True
        Click            ${login_button}
        Get Text         ${logo_text}    contains    Swag Labs
        ${state_file}=    Save Storage State
        Move File    ${state_file}    ${OUTPUTDIR}/browser/state/${username}.json
        Close Context
        # Chame a keyword de login com os dados do usuário atual

Trace file for debug

Trace file is saved on logs/traces

To open a trace file:

rfbrowser show-trace -F logs/traces/Add\ a\ product\ to\


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