This Project let you work with multivariate polinomials and has every operation needed to work well with them. RN it doesn't supports numpy and probably never will, for efficiency I suggest you to check jannikmi's work it looks very good, but it asks you to have a C compiler too.
RN I'm working about finializing my examples and the Test file. Probably in the future I'll add a single variable polynomial sub-class that supports operations with multivariate polynomials. It doesn't work with complex numbers, but I may update it in the future
To understand better how to use this package I suggest you to check some of the examples:
- is used to create some multivariate polynomial with the many aviable ways
- is used to print out some of these in a fancy way
- is used to apply every standard operator and check that it works well with its _ip counterpart, printing the results in a boring way
- is used to applay every special operation (eg: integrals or partial) and checks the resoults with its _ip counterpart, printing the results in an interesting way
The test file is used to check everything is working as expected