- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with sc_apache
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Local Testing
ScaleCommerce Wrapper Module for puppetlabs-postgresql. Manages Supervisord, Databases, Users, Roles.
This module uses hiera to configure Postgresql ressources.
- postgresql
- supervisord
You will need a working hiera-Setup (https://docs.puppetlabs.com/hiera/3.1/complete_example.html).
Check out our solultion for Puppet-Hiera-Roles (https://github.com/ScaleCommerce/puppet-hiera-roles).
Put this into your node.yaml or role.yaml. See Documentation of puppetlabs-postgresql for details on params and syntax.
- sc_postgresql
user: spryker
owner: spryker
password: very_secret_password!!
When making changes you can test this module locally with gitlab-runner on Mac OSX
gitlab-runner exec docker --env "GIT_STRATEGY=none" --docker-volumes `pwd`:/builds/project-0 xenial:puppet5