Releases: ScQ-Cloud/pyquafu
- Add transpiler framework:
- Optimize estimator on real devices.
What's Changed
- Fix requirements. close #179 by @Zhaoyilunnn in #180
- Fix some issues with QNN by @Zhaoyilunnn in #184
- feat: Add quafu transpiler module by @YuChenSSR in #186
- fix(qfasm): parse delay close #188 by @Zhaoyilunnn in #189
- chore(estimator): close #187, #181 by @Zhaoyilunnn in #190
- chore: bump up version to 0.4.2 by @Zhaoyilunnn in #191
Full Changelog: v0.4.1...v0.4.2
Windows installation issue #174
What's Changed
- docs: update simulate API usage by @Zhaoyilunnn in #169
- Finalize algorithms module by @Zhaoyilunnn in #170
- Update by @v2rockets in #171
- fix a requirement issue and format all files by @Zhaoyilunnn in #173
- Support reading all configurable attributes from configuration file by @Zhaoyilunnn in #176
- chore: bump up version to 0.4.1 by @Zhaoyilunnn in #177
New Contributors
- @v2rockets made their first contribution in #171
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.4.1
Key Features
Able to parse and execute dynamic quantum circuit in simulated environments.
More sophisticated operations supported by
. See examples in quantum circuit tests
What's Changed
- Add cls Qubit and QuantumRegister by @chensgit169 in #46
- Stable/0.3 by @Zhaoyilunnn in #55
- feat: define VQA interface && fix code style by @Zhaoyilunnn in #59
- integrate oracle and register into circuit by @chensgit169 in #60
- Add 'dev*.py' to .gitignore by @chensgit169 in #61
- some path fix/adjustments by @chensgit169 in #62
- Add estimator sample ut, load url from disk by @Zhaoyilunnn in #65
- nothing by @chensgit169 in #68
- Finally I also have an empty pr by @Zhaoyilunnn in #69
- feat: restructure directory by @Zhaoyilunnn in #71
- Almost nothing by @chensgit169 in #73
- Merge stable/0.3 into master by @Zhaoyilunnn in #76
- Replace
by @chensgit169 in #80 - fix response handling in
and add ut in workflow by @Zhaoyilunnn in #81 - qaoa demo by @Zhaoyilunnn in #85
- Implement PLY Convertor by @beizhansl in #86
- chore: add commit lint in workflow by @Zhaoyilunnn in #87
- Add alternating layered ansatz implementation and a sample VQE by @Zhaoyilunnn in #88
- Exception handling by @beizhansl in #92
- Add paramshift prototype by @Zhaoyilunnn in #95
- Autograd with param shift demo by @Zhaoyilunnn in #104
- Add support for classical operation by @beizhansl in #106
- Make registers iterable, fix some typos by @chensgit169 in #107
- Fix bug of gpu simulator by @beizhansl in #109
- Add some pre-build funtions and tests by @qtzhuang in #111
- fix some mistakes and minor deficiencies by @qtzhuang in #112
- Pick ahead features of
from stable/0.3 branch by @chensgit169 in #113 - Fix qfasm for barrier by @beizhansl in #114
- fix: merge fixing of circuitPlot from stable/0.3 by @chensgit169 in #115
- Eliminate dependence of qfvm, close #130 by @beizhansl in #116
- refactor algorithms module and update qnn implementation by @Zhaoyilunnn in #117
- Enhance module of
by @chensgit169 in #118 - Implement Oracle and customize_gate by @chensgit169 in #119
- the ansatz evolution according to hamiltonian by @WanJiawang in #120
- Add amplitude embedding by @qtzhuang in #122
- Enhance gate register mechanism, add visualization of Bloch Sphere by @chensgit169 in #125
- feat: format code, add pre-commit and clang format by @lucky9-cyou in #126
- feat: restructure torch transformer to support call() of QNN by @Zhaoyilunnn in #121
- feat: add clifford simulator(#1) by @lucky9-cyou in #127
- Enhance QuantumGate (1/2, reopened) by @chensgit169 in #129
- Supplement docs by @chensgit169 in #131
- feat:add parameter by @lss0208 in #133
- fix: openmp typo by @Zhaoyilunnn in #134
- feat:add iqcs features by @lss0208 in #137
- feat: support real machine gradient by @Zhaoyilunnn in #135
- feat: use parameter in entangle layer, support for merging encoding and entangle layer by @qtzhuang in #138
- Fix error in qfasm by @beizhansl in #145
- feat: unify exception handling of requests library error and website … by @Zhaoyilunnn in #147
- Add radd method to ParameterExpression class by @YuChenSSR in #148
- Add support for to_openqasm with param and create prerelease draft for all whl by @beizhansl in #149
- fix:openqasm bug by @lss0208 in #150
- feat: qfasm support parameter by @beizhansl in #151
- fix: FLOAT of lexer by @beizhansl in #153
- fix some bugs by @Zhaoyilunnn in #154
- fix: close #140 by @Zhaoyilunnn in #161
- fix: close #155, close #157 by @Zhaoyilunnn in #158
- ci: add pre-release only on push by @Zhaoyilunnn in #159
- fix: close #160 by @Zhaoyilunnn in #162
- fix: automatically find openmp based on homebrew prefix, close #110 by @Zhaoyilunnn in #163
- Update document to 0.4.0 by @Zhaoyilunnn in #166
New Contributors
- @beizhansl made their first contribution in #86
- @qtzhuang made their first contribution in #111
- @WanJiawang made their first contribution in #120
- @lucky9-cyou made their first contribution in #126
Full Changelog: v0.3.6...v0.4.0
What's Changed
- add documentation resource files (by sphinx) by @chensgit169 in #90
- enhancement: restructure quantum element module, enhance docstrings by @chensgit169 in #91
- Stable/0.3: fix some small bugs by @chensgit169 in #93
- Stable/0.3: Further unify interface of
by @chensgit169 in #96 - Stable/0.3: fix some errors in circuit plot by @chensgit169 in #97
- release notes for v0.3.6 by @chensgit169 in #98
- Stable/0.3: fix some imports, add plot of
by @chensgit169 in #99 - Stable/0.3: fix x-position bug of bar plot in plotting results by @chensgit169 in #100
- Stable/0.3: retrieving task if get empty counts in send(wait=True) by @chensgit169 in #101
- Stable/0.3: set category of deprecation warning in
by @chensgit169 in #102 - Stable/0.3: fix measure setting bug in from_qasm by @chensgit169 in #103
Full Changelog: v0.3.5...v0.3.6
New Tutorial Released
Check out the tutorial here: We will update the tutorial on website soon.
What's Changed
- fix: partial measurement error by @Zhaoyilunnn in #51
- fix cbits bug in measure() by @chensgit169 in #53
- Stable/0.3/enhance exception handling of user, task, backend by @chensgit169 in #54
- Stable/0.3: fix
measures is NoneType
problem and a typing problem by @chensgit169 in #56 - nothing by @chensgit169 in #57
- Stable/0.3:fix subscript of cbits by @chensgit169 in #63
- Stable/0.3: small fix by @chensgit169 in #64
- Stable/0.3: Add TaskDatabase by @chensgit169 in #70
- Stable/0.3: correct some errors by @chensgit169 in #72
- fix typing-style not supported for python3.8 by @chensgit169 in #77
Full Changelog: v0.3.4...v0.3.5
What's Changed
- fix sy and zero-para qasm problem 2023.7.30 by @chensgit169 in #43
- Stable/0.3 by @chensgit169 in #44
- fix label missing of only-measured qubits by @chensgit169 in #45
Full Changelog: v0.3.3...v0.3.4
Fix some bugs
What's Changed
- Update by @chensgit169 in #41
- Update by @chensgit169 in #38
- Update by @chensgit169 in #40
- Update by @chensgit169 in #39
Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.3.3
New Features
- @chensgit169 contributes a visualization module which plots beautiful figures of quantum circuits. Try
What's Changed
- Optimize data copy from python to cpp by @Zhaoyilunnn in #11
- 增加了dag by @YuChenSSR in #13
- add dag by @YuChenSSR in #14
- dag ; modify the test book for users by @YuChenSSR in #15
- Optimize gate_to_node code by @YuChenSSR in #17
- Added parameters for the pulse gate by @YuChenSSR in #18
- Add runtime_job_id 2. Add back
to ensure backward compatibility by @Zhaoyilunnn in #20
- Add runtime_job_id 2. Add back
- change quantum_rl with update results by @enchanted123 in #19
- fix: default runtime_job_id should be empty string by @Zhaoyilunnn in #24
- update DAGCircuit class and some tests by @YuChenSSR in #25
- delete local example in visualisation by @chensgit169 in #26
- merge dev into master by @Zhaoyilunnn in #27
- fix: 🐛 Fix the init part of User class by @Alndaly in #29
- reformat according to PEP8 by @chensgit169 in #32
- fix bug in import part for package by @YuChenSSR in #33
- Dev by @Zhaoyilunnn in #35
- Adjustments of userapi by @chensgit169 in #36
- fix problem of token missing and reading by @chensgit169 in #37
New Contributors
- @Zhaoyilunnn made their first contribution in #11
- @YuChenSSR made their first contribution in #13
- @chensgit169 made their first contribution in #26
- @Alndaly made their first contribution in #29
Full Changelog: v0.2.11...v0.3.2
- fix a bug of qfvm
- remove function
- support for macOS
- rename some API function
What's Changed
New Contributors
- @enchanted123 made their first contribution in #7
- @lss0208 made their first contribution in #8
Full Changelog: v0.2.10...v0.2.11
PyQuafu v0.2.10
The first release.
Full Changelog: