This repo will not recieve update in future use this for diployment solution , you can still fork and add your own customization for personal use
Few lines describing My project.
This is heroku app that allow you to run vscode web version "code-server" also it implement rclone with sftp along with vscode sftp plugin to access files from multiple clouds supported by rclone .
You need heroku account . You need rclone .
sudo apt install rclone
to generate rclone config use following
rclone config
after adding at least 1 working to rclone enter following to terminal to generate BASE_CONF value
curl | bash
copy generated value and put in heroku ENV variables
Note: copy as it is without spaces
<here your config string maybe long>
here CLOUD_NAME ignore other token texts
[<you cloud name>]
remeber the name you given to your heroku app and use that name to open your vscode on browser
if you work on other programming other than python and c , just fork repo edit Dockerfile and change install applications also add following line in Dockerfile to preinstalled vscode plugin
RUN code-server --install-extension <plugin name> --force
also add heroku addons for database or other things as your need
Heroku server provide single core , some time it took while to load application if you open it after long time , to be sure it loaded completely open terminal inside code-server to confirm it loaded completely
- @sauravdharwadkar - Idea & Initial work