COVID-19 is an infectious disease which has led to a dramatic loss of human life worldwide, its early detection is critical to control cases’ spreading and mortality. The actual leader diagnosis test is the Reverse transcription Polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)which is based on Nasopharyngeal swabs (NPSs).
This paper reports our experience with detection of COVID-19 using chest X-ray images(CXR). We here try to implement Un-Supervised, Supervised and Deep learning methods for binary image(COVID or NON-COVID) classification on CXR images. Implementation of PCA followed by application of K-means for the unsupervised techniques. In supervised learning we explored models such as Random Forest classifier, Decision Tree classifier, GaussianBayes. For the Deep Learning approach we developed a custom pipeline which involves usage of segmentation, SOTA(State of the art) CNN models and Multi-modular Approach.
We here propose a Multimodular Pipeline which uses feature maps of 3 Models with same scratch neural net architecture based on VGG and trained on Raw CXR Images, Segmented Masked CXR Images and Segmented Inverse Masked Images and finally does classification through dense classifier layers.
Best Accuracy Acheived: 96%
X-ray images
Lung segmentation dataset
- Scikit Learn: used ML Library
- PyTorch: used ML Libraries
- Tensorflow and Keras: used ML Libraries
- Streamlit: Javscript framework used
- Pandas: Python data manipulation libraries
- Seaborn: Data visualisation library
- Matplotlib: Plots and Data visualization
- OpenCV: Image Processing
This is the main file with all the preprocessing, EDA, various Machine learning and Deep Learning Models.
Installing libraries and dependency
Importing the dataset
Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualisation
Data Preprocessing
- Normalization
- Resizing, Random Rotation, Random Flips
- conversion to Tensor
- Flattening of images
Unsupervised Learning Techniques
- K-means clustering
- Agglomerative clustering
Supervised Learning Techniques
- Decision Tree Classifier
- Random Forest Classifier
- Gaussian Bayes
Deep Learning Techniques
- ResNet-18
- ResNet-50
- MobileNet-v3
- VGG-16
- VGG-19
Image Segmentation and U-Net
Proposed Combined Multi-Modular Approach
Comparitive Analysis
- Various Evaluation metrices used
- Plots for comparing performance
- Performance Table
- Run the cells according to above mentioned pipeline
Name | Roll No. |
Mukul Shingwani | B20AI023 |
Saurabh Modi | B20EE035 |
Mitarth Arora | B20EE096 |