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spark-radiant is Apache Spark Performance and Cost Optimizer Project.

Providing Spark as a Service with your own Fork of Spark

One of the major challenges in providing Spark as a Service is to effectively maintain own code base, while also keeping up with the many and frequent changes in the Open Source Spark. Apache Spark releases its new version in every six months. In order to further build upon this new version of Spark, one needs to merge changes to the Spark branch, work on the codebase and resolve conflicts. This entire process requires a lot of efforts, and is also Time consuming.

Why do organizations prefer maintaining their own fork of Spark?

Below are the few scenarios for maintaining own fork

  1. There are certain features that are only applicable to the use case of the organization.
  2. The feature request is important for majority of the customers, and open source community does not accept feature requests.
  3. Last but most important, the organization does not want to open source the change for the competitive reason.

What if ?

  1. we had the liberty to keep up with the pace of changes in Apache Spark Master.
  2. we can release Spark the same day the new version of Apache Spark releases.
  3. we have our own Spark Optimizer Project that can be integrated with the Runtime Spark.
  4. we can maintain our own project and update as per the new changes in Spark.
  5. what if we need not modify our project with any new release by Apache Spark

Turning what if into reality !

Spark-Radiant is Apache Spark Performance and Cost Optimizer. The product, Spark-Radiant will help optimize performance and cost considering catalyst optimizer rules, Enhanced Auto-Scaling in Spark, Collecting Important Metrics related to spark job, BloomFilter Index in Spark etc.

Maintaining Spark-Radiant is much easier than maintaining the Spark Fork. With minimal changes in the Spark Fork, and considerable optimizations achieved using Spark-Radiant, we can easily reduce the time needed to release Spark as soon as the new version of the same is released by Apache Spark.

How to use Spark-Radiant


This project used the Maven Build.

git clone

cd spark-radiant

mvn clean install -DskipTests / mvn clean package -DskipTests

For Spark-3.3.x profile use the below command for building spark-radiant

mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pspark33 / mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pspark33

For Spark-3.1.x profile use the below command for building spark-radiant

mvn clean install -DskipTests -Pspark31 / mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pspark31

Add the Dependency to your project

Build the project locally and add the dependency to your project


Use the current released version from the maven central.

For Sql Optimization(Ready for use)


For Core Optimization (Ready for use)


running Spark job

Use Latest published jar (spark-radiant-sql-1.0.4.jar, spark-radiant-core-1.0.4.jar) from maven central for running the Spark Application

./bin/spark-shell --packages "io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.4,io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-core:1.0.4"

 --packages "io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.4,io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-core:1.0.4"
 --class com.test.spark.examples.SparkTestDF /spark/examples/target/scala-2.12/jars/spark-test_2.12-3.2.1.jar 


spark-radiant have the below prerequisites

a) This is supported with spark-3.0.x and latter version of spark.
b) Supported scala version 2.12.x.

Use spark-radiant at runtime

This spark-radiant project has 2 modules, you can use those modules in your project

  1. spark-radiant-sql - This contains the optimization related to Spark Sql Performance Improvement

    a) Using Dynamic Filtering in Spark - Please refer the docs for Dynamic Filtering.

    b) Using Size based Join ReOrdering in Spark - Please refer the docs for SizeBasedJoinReOrdering.

    c) Add multiple value in the withColumn Api of Spark - Till now you can add one by one columns using withColumn call with respect to spark dataframe. If we need to multiple column in dataframe there is need to call this withColumn again and again. For example df.withColumn("newCol", lit("someval")).withColumn("newCol1", lit("someval1")).withColumn("newCol2", lit("someval2"))

    This will add the projection in each call of withColumn, resulting in the exception (stackoverflow error). [SPARK-26224][SQL] issue of withColumn while using it multiple times

    We can add all the new col in one call in one single projection using the method useWithColumnsOfSpark

     import com.spark.radiant.sql.api.SparkRadiantSqlApi
     val sparkRadiantSqlApi = new SparkRadiantSqlApi()
     val withColMap = scala.collection.mutable.Map("newCol" -> lit("someval"), "newCol1" -> lit("someval1"), "newCol2" -> lit("someval2"))
     val df1 = sparkRadiantSqlApi.useWithColumnsOfSpark(withColMap, inputDF)
     // if sequence of the column needs to be maintained, then use the LinkedHashMap
     val withColMap = scala.collection.mutable.LinkedHashMap("newCol" -> lit("someval"), "newCol1" -> lit("someval1"), "newCol2" -> lit("someval2"))
     val df1 = sparkRadiantSqlApi.useWithColumnsOfSpark(withColMap, inputDF)

    d) Add the support for struct type column in the DropDuplicate - Till now on using the struct col in the DropDuplicate we will get the below exception.

         case class StructDropDup(c1: Int, c2: Int)
         val df = Seq(("d1", StructDropDup(1, 2)),
         ("d1", StructDropDup(1, 2))).toDF("a", "b")
         df.dropDuplicates("a", "b.c1")
         org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Cannot resolve column name "b.c1" among (a, b)
         at org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.$anonfun$dropDuplicates$1(Dataset.scala:2576)
         at scala.collection.TraversableLike.$anonfun$flatMap$1(TraversableLike.scala:245)
         at scala.collection.Iterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:941)
         at scala.collection.Iterator.foreach$(Iterator.scala:941)
         at scala.collection.AbstractIterator.foreach(Iterator.scala:1429)

    Added the support to use the struct col in the DropDuplicate

         import com.spark.radiant.sql.api.SparkRadiantSqlApi
         case class StructDropDup(c1: Int, c2: Int)
         val df = Seq(("d1", StructDropDup(1, 2)),
         ("d1", StructDropDup(1, 2))).toDF("a", "b")
         val sparkRadiantSqlApi = new SparkRadiantSqlApi()
         val updatedDF = sparkRadiantSqlApi.dropDuplicateOfSpark(df, spark, Seq("a", "b.c1"))
            |  a|     b|
            | d1|{1, 2}|

    The same support is added in this PR in Apache Spark [SPARK-37596][SQL] Add the support for struct type column in the DropDuplicate

    This works well for the map type column in the dropDuplicate

      val df = spark.createDataFrame(Seq(("d1", Map(1 -> 2)), ("d1", Map(1 -> 2))))
      val updatedDF = sparkRadiantSqlApi.dropDuplicateOfSpark(df, spark, Seq("_2.1"))
      | _1|      _2|
      | d1|{1 -> 2}|


    e) UnionReuseExchangeOptimizeRule - This rule works for scenarios when union is present with aggregation having same grouping column. The union is between the same table/datasource. In this scenario instead of scan twice the table/datasource because of the child of Union, There will be one scan of table/datasource, and the other child of union will reuse this scan.This feature is enabled using --conf

       import com.spark.radiant.sql.api.SparkRadiantSqlApi
       // adding Extra optimizer rule
       val sparkRadiantSqlApi = new SparkRadiantSqlApi()

    In PySpark

      In PySpark
            ./bin/pyspark --packages io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.4
             // Importing the extra Optimizations rule
             from sparkradiantsqlpy import SparkRadiantSqlApi
            // Importing the extra Optimizations rule

    f) JoinReuseExchangeOptimizeRule - JoinReuseExchangeOptimizeRule works for scenario where there is join between same table and the scan of table happens multiple times.After Applying this rule File Scan will take place once. This feature is enabled using --conf There is need to add this conf for adding this rule in Sql Extension --conf spark.sql.extensions=com.spark.radiant.sql.api.SparkRadiantSqlExtension

      spark.sql("""select * from
      (select col_1, count(col_1) count from table1 where col_2 in ('value0', 'value09') group by col_1) a,
      (select col_1, max(col_2) max from table1 where col_2 in ('value0', 'value1', 'value119') group by col_1) b where a.col_1=b.col_1""")

    Please refer the spark Plan execution for JoinReuseExchangeOptimizeRule

    JoinReuseExchangeOptimizeRule works 2X faster than the regular Spark Join for this query.

    g) ExchangeOptimizeRule - This optimizer rule works for scenarios where partial aggregate exchange is present and also the exchange which is introduced by SMJ and other join that add the shuffle exchange, So in total there are 2 exchange present in the executed plan and cost of creating both exchange are almost same. In that scenario we skip the exchange created by the partial aggregate and there will be only one exchange and partial and complete aggregation done on the same exchange, now instead of having 2 exchange there will be only one exchange. This can be enabled using --conf

       import com.spark.radiant.sql.api.SparkRadiantSqlApi
       // adding Extra optimizer rule
       val sparkRadiantSqlApi = new SparkRadiantSqlApi()

    In PySpark

       In PySpark
            ./bin/pyspark --packages io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.4
             // Importing the extra Optimizations rule
             from sparkradiantsqlpy import SparkRadiantSqlApi
            // Importing the extra Optimizations rule

    h) ExplodeOptimizeRule - This optimizer rule works for scenarios where Explode is present with aggregation, So there will be exchange after partial aggregation and there are scenarios where cost of partial aggregate + exchange is high. In those scenarios it's better to have exchange first and then apply both partial aggregate and complete aggregate on the exchange. This can be enabled using --conf spark.sql.optimize.explode.rule=true

       import com.spark.radiant.sql.api.SparkRadiantSqlApi
       // adding Extra optimizer rule
       val sparkRadiantSqlApi = new SparkRadiantSqlApi()

    In PySpark

       In PySpark
            ./bin/pyspark --packages io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.4
             // Importing the extra Optimizations rule
             from sparkradiantsqlpy import SparkRadiantSqlApi
            // Importing the extra Optimizations rule

    i) BloomFilter Index - This is WIP

  2. spark-radiant-core - This contains the optimization related to total cost optimization.

    a) Metrics Collector - SparkJobMetricsCollector is used for collecting the important metrics to Spark Driver Memory, Stage metrics, Task Metrics. This is enabled by using the configuration --conf spark.extraListeners=com.spark.radiant.core.SparkJobMetricsCollector and providing the jars in the class path. User can also Publish the metrics by their own custom Publisher class by extending the org.apache.spark.PublishMetrics interface and override the publishStageLevelMetrics method. SamplePublishMetrics class already added in project for reference and there is need to provide the custom Publish class name in this conf while running the spark Application --conf spark.radiant.metrics.publishClassName=com.spark.radiant.core.SamplePublishMetrics

      ./bin/spark-shell --conf spark.extraListeners=com.spark.radiant.core.SparkJobMetricsCollector --packages "io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.4,io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-core:1.0.4"
    Spark-Radiant Metrics Collector
    Total Time taken by Application:: 895 sec
    *****Driver Metrics*****
    Time spend in the Driver: 307 sec
    Percentage of time spend in the Driver: 34. Try adding more parallelism to the Spark job for Optimal Performance
    *****Stage Info Metrics*****
    ***** Stage Info Metrics Stage Id:0 *****
    "Job Id":"0",
    "Stage Id":"0",
    "Final Stage Status":"succeeded",
    "Number of Task":"10",
    "Total Executors ran to complete all Task":"2",
    "Stage Completion Time":"858 ms",
    "Stage Completion Time Recommendation":"With 2x executors(4), time to complete stage 366 ms.
     With 4x executors(8), time to complete stage 183 ms.",
    "Average Task Completion Time":"139 ms"
    "Number of Task Failed in this Stage":"0"
    "Few Skew task info in Stage":"Skew task in not present in this stage"
    "Few Failed task info in Stage":"Failed task in not present in this stage"
    ***** Stage Info Metrics Stage Id:1 *****
    "Job Id":"1",
    "Stage Id":"1",
    "Final Stage Status":"succeeded",
    "Number of Task":"10",
    "Total Executors ran to complete all Task":"2",
    "Stage Completion Time":"53 ms",
    "Stage Completion Time Recommendation":"With 2x executors(4), time to complete stage 23 ms.
     With 4x executors(8), time to complete stage 12 ms.",
    "Average Task Completion Time":"9 ms"
    "Number of Task Failed in this Stage":"0"
    "Few Skew task info in Stage":"Skew task in not present in this stage"
    "Few Failed task info in Stage":"Failed task in not present in this stage"
    ***** Stage Info Metrics Stage Id:2 *****
    "Job Id":"2",
    "Stage Id":"2",
    "Final Stage Status":"succeeded",
    "Number of Task":"100",
    "Total Executors ran to complete all Task":"4",
    "Stage Completion Time":"11206 ms",
    "Stage Completion Time Recommendation":"With 2x executors(8), time to complete stage 10656 ms.
     With 4x executors(16), time to complete stage 10656 ms.",
    "Average Task Completion Time":"221 ms"
    "Number of Task Failed in this Stage":"0"
    "Few Skew task info in Stage": List({
    "Task Id":"0",
    "Executor Id":"3",
    "Number of records read":"11887",
    "Number of shuffle read Record":"11887",
    "Number of records write":"0",
    "Number of shuffle write Record":"0",
    "Task Completion Time":"10656 ms"
    "Final Status of task":"SUCCESS"
    "Failure Reason for task":"NA"
    }, {
    "Task Id":"4",
    "Executor Id":"1",
    "Number of records read":"11847",
    "Number of shuffle read Record":"11847",
    "Number of records write":"0",
    "Number of shuffle write Record":"0",
    "Task Completion Time":"10013 ms"
    "Final Status of task":"SUCCESS"
    "Failure Reason for task":"NA"
    "Few Failed task info in Stage":"Failed task in not present in this stage"
    ***** Stage Info Metrics Stage Id:3 *****
    "Job Id":"3",
    "Stage Id":"3",
    "Final Stage Status":"failed",
    "Number of Task":"10",
    "Total Executors ran to complete all Task":"2",
    "Stage Completion Time":"53 ms",
    "Average Task Completion Time":"9 ms"
    "Number of Task Failed in this Stage":"1"
    "Few Skew task info in Stage":"Skew task in not present in this stage"
    "Few Failed task info in Stage":List({
    "Task Id":"12",
    "Executor Id":"1",
    "Number of records read in task":"0",
    "Number of shuffle read Record in task":"0",
    "Number of records write in task":"0",
    "Number of shuffle write Record in task":"0",
    "Final Status of task":"FAILED",
    "Task Completion Time":"7 ms",
    "Failure Reason for task":"java.lang.Exception: Retry Task
          at $line14.$read$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw.$anonfun$res0$1(<console>:33)
          at scala.runtime.java8.JFunction1$mcII$sp.apply(JFunction1$mcII$
          at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$
          at scala.collection.Iterator$$anon$"

    b) Enhanced Autoscaling in Spark- This is WIP

Bug reports / New Feature Request

You can raise new feature request and Bug on this issuelink.

Release Notes

a) spark-radiant 1.0.3 - Please refer the docs for spark radiant 1.0.3.
b) spark-radiant 1.0.4 - Please refer the docs for spark radiant 1.0.4.