Spark-Radiant SizeBasedJoinReOrdering works well for the Join which is of type star schema, where one table consists of large number of records as compared to other tables and all the join condition of smaller table with a large table. Spark by default perform join left to right(whether its SMJ before the BHJ or vice versa). This optimizer rule performs the join smaller table join first before the bigger table(BHJ first before the SMJ.)
- This works with Inner Join.
- There is Star Schema in the join Pattern
Improved Network Utilization: SizeBasedJoinReOrdering performs BHJ before SMJ , hence reduces the number of records involved in the join operation and this helps in reducing the shuffle data generated and minimizes Network I/O.
Improved Resource Utilization: The number of records involved in the join is reduced as the result of using the SizeBasedJoinReOrdering in spark.This reduces the system resource requirements since the number of tasks spawned for the Join operation is reduced. This results in the completion of jobs with lower number of resources.
Regular Join | SizeBasedJoinReordering
BHJ Join | SMJ Join
/ \ | / \
SMJ Join Filter | BHJ Join Table2
/ \ \ | / \
Table1 Table2 Table3 | Table1 Filter
| \
| Table3
val df = spark.sql("select * from t,t2, t1 where t._1=t1._1 and t._2 = t1._2 and t._1=t2._1
and t1._2 > 'value15' and t2._3 = 'value019'")
val df = spark.sql("select * from t,t2, t1 where t._1=t1._1 and t._2 = t1._2 and t._1=t2._1
and t1._2 > 'value15' and t2._3 = 'value019'")
Importing the rule for SizeBasedJoinReOrdering on the catalyst optimizer of the Apache Spark
- - Config to add the support of SizeBasedJoinReOrdering for the sql queries. The default value is true.
- - Config to add the support of SizeBasedJoinReOrdering for the sql queries when all the join is not BHJ, only SMJ.The default value is false.This will work with spark-radiant-1.0.4.
Provide the jar spark-radiant-sql-1.0.4.jar in the class path for the spark Application. For eg using --jars etc.
using --packages -> for jars(spark-radiant-sql-1.0.4.jar) published to maven central
./bin/spark-shell --packages "io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.4,io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-core:1.0.4"
--packages "io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.4,io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-core:1.0.4"
--class com.test.spark.examples.SparkTestDF /spark/examples/target/scala-2.12/jars/spark-test_2.12-3.2.1.jar
import com.spark.radiant.sql.api.SparkRadiantSqlApi
// adding Extra optimizer rule
val sparkRadiantSqlApi = new SparkRadiantSqlApi()
2) Importing the rule for SizeBasedJoinReOrdering on the catalyst optimizer of the Apache Spark in pyspark
./bin/pyspark --packages "io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.4,io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-core:1.0.4"
// Importing the extra Optimizations rule
>>> from sparkradiantsqlpy import SparkRadiantSqlApi
>>> SparkRadiantSqlApi(spark).addExtraOptimizerRule()
./bin/spark-shell --packages "io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.4,io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-core:1.0.4"
--conf spark.sql.extensions=com.spark.radiant.sql.api.SparkRadiantSqlExtension
--packages "io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-sql:1.0.4,io.github.saurabhchawla100:spark-radiant-core:1.0.4"
--conf spark.sql.extensions=com.spark.radiant.sql.api.SparkRadiantSqlExtension
--class com.test.spark.examples.SparkTestDF /spark/examples/target/scala-2.12/jars/spark-test_2.12-3.2.1.jar
Note - Will add few more optimization in near future.
- ReOrder the Join by having the join condition with Partition column first compared to Non Partition column condition