Fix product-map.yml #1
3 warnings
Upload to GitHub workflow artifacts store
No files were found with the provided path: build/distribution. No artifacts will be uploaded.
Post Setup Gradle
This job uses deprecated functionality from the 'gradle/actions/setup-gradle' action. Consult the Job Summary for more details.
Setup Gradle
Cache not found for keys: gradle-home-v1|Windows-X64|build[b9f36d48499226ffc19436a23015adbb]-2d8a90b28703e8b2c6ea1479e2f6ab7f3fdddb39, gradle-home-v1|Windows-X64|build[b9f36d48499226ffc19436a23015adbb], gradle-home-v1|Windows-X64|build, gradle-home-v1|Windows-X64