There are many animals in the zoo, and all of them need care. The animals must be fed, cleaned, surrounded by their kin, and kept happy. That is a difficult task for our large zoo, so one of your employers has suggested a more convenient way to keep track of everything. She wants to be able to pull up a video feed of any animal in the zoo with the help of a program. Being able to check on each habitat would help the zookeepers take care of our furry friends more efficiently!
In this project, you will create a program that helps the zookeepers check on the animals and make sure that they're doing well. Your product will be able to process commands from the zookeepers and display the animals on a monitor.
- Ask for the number of the desired habitat using the following phrase: Please enter the number of the habitat you would like to view:
- Use the input number as an index of your habitats to print its content.
- End with the following phrase: You've reached the end of the program. To check another habitat, please restart the watcher.
- When the program is done running, it should print: See you later!