_**Rate Application University**_
User stories:
- In order to leave a feedback on the courses, I want to create a new account and sign in.
- As a student, I want to search for available courses and join or drop a course.
- As a student, I want to be able to see details about the course, such as the description of the course, the course lecturer, the course times, the location of the lecture hall, and also the number of registered students.
- As a student, I want to leave feedback which will consist of a description (not more than 1000 characters) and a rating (from 1 to 5). It is possible only to leave feedback for the courses where the student is already registered. One student can only leave one feedback for a course.
- As a student, I want to view feedback: A student can view the list of feedback for any course (whether he/she is registered or not). The list should be ordered by date (recent feedbacks are on top of the list). Also, the average rating is calculated and displayed.
- As a student, through this platform I want to be able to view the 8 top-rated courses in order to better decide on which courses to enroll.
- As a student, I can see course calendar: A student can see all courses in a calendar.
- As a student, I want the more than 1 year old feedbacks be automatically removed from the system so I can see the newest reviews, in order to better make the decision of what course to choose.
//Old commits are in main branch