Here is a list of some Arduino tasks solved using C++.
Program the robot to drive forward in a motion that resambles sinus line as much as possible.
Program the robot to simulate parallel parking. Define own dimensions for parking lot and lane width.
Program the robot to drive forward until it reaches POINT A. Let it rotate 5 times on POINT A. Let it continue further in the same direction until it reaches POINT B. Let it rotate 5 times in different direction on POINT B. Let it drive in the same direction until it reaches the goal. Define own dimensions for each path segment.
Program the robot to drive in a motion that resembles number 8 as much as possible. Do it for five times and then stop. Whenever the robot finishes driving one lap, let it quickly blink built-in LED as many times as is the current finished lap (for example, when it finishes third lap, it should blink 3 times).
Program the robot to follow a straight black line on light background.
Program the robot to follow a general black line on light background. Black line is continuous and forms the outline of a shape. No angle will be greater than 90 degrees.
Program the robot to exit the maze. The maze is made of four rectangle boxes and there is always only one correct way to the exit. Random box configuration will be selected for marking. One possible configuration might be: