This repository contains the code of the 2K2K method for 3D human reconstruction.
Sang-Hun Han,
Min-Gyu Park,
Ju Hong Yoon,
Ju-Mi Kang,
Young-Jae Park, and
Hae-Gon Jeon
Accepted to
CVPR 2023
Paper | Project Page | Dataset
- Part-wise Normal Prediction divides an image into each body part through a matrix using keypoints.
This helps in predicting detailed normal vectors for each body part with minimal computation. - Coarse-to-Fine Depth Prediction predicts a high-resolution depth map with very few network parameters and minimal memory usage.
- All models and codes work on Ubuntu 20.04 with Python 3.8, PyTorch 1.9.1 and CUDA 11.1. You can install it by choosing one of the two methods below.
- Install libraries with the following commands:
apt-get install -y freeglut3-dev libglib2.0-0 libsm6 libxrender1 libxext6 openexr libopenexr-dev libjpeg-dev zlib1g-dev
apt install -y libgl1-mesa-dri libegl1-mesa libgbm1 libgl1-mesa-glx libglib2.0-0
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Create Docker Image From Dockerfile
docker build -t 2k2k:1.0 .
- Make Docker Container From Image (example below)
docker run -e NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=all -i -t -d --runtime=nvidia --shm-size=512gb --name 2k2k --mount type=bind,source={path/to/2k2k_code},target=/workspace/code 2k2k:1.0 /bin/bash
- We used RenderPeople, THuman2.0, and 2K2K datasets for training. A structure of the dataset folder will be formed as follows:
├ IndoorCVPR09
│ ├ airport_inside
│ └ ⋮
├ Joint3D
│ ├ RP
│ └ THuman2
├ list
├ obj
│ ├ RP
│ │ ├ rp_aaron_posed_013_OBJ
│ │ └ ⋮
│ └ THuman2
│ ├ data
│ └ smplx
│ └ keypoint
└ (ORTH)
- You can download Background images from Recognizing Indoor Scenes. Unzip this files under
- To render the human datasets into images and depth maps, download the mesh files to
first. See the folder structure above for download locations. - For RenderPeople dataset, enter the command below to render. This will create folders
(Optional). It takes about 2-3 days to render a 2048×2048 resolution images.
python render/ --data_path ./data --data_name RP
For THuman2.0 dataset, you should use the SMPL-X model to render the front of human scans. Please download SMPL-X models anywhere. The
folder should exist under the{smpl_model_path}
. -
After download SMPL-X models, you can render images.
python render/ --data_path ./data --data_name THuman2 --smpl_model_path {smpl_model_path}
- Unzip 3D keypoints of RenderPeople and THuman2.0 dataset
unzip data/ -d data/Joint3D/
- For RenderPeople training dataset, enter the command below to get 2D keypoints.
python render/ --data_path ./data --data_name RP
- For THuman2.0 training dataset, enter the command below to get 2D keypoints.
python render/ --data_path ./data --data_name THuman2
- Our model is divided into phase 1 and phase 2, learning high-resolution normal and depth respectively. To train phase 1, type follows,
python --data_path ./data --phase 1 --batch_size 1
- After training phase 1, use pre-trained checkpoints to train phase 2,
python --data_path ./data --phase 2 --batch_size 1 --load_ckpt {checkpoint_file_name}
- If you want to train model with Distributed Data Parallel(DDP), use following code. You can also change options of
python -m \
--nnodes=1 \
--nproc_per_node=4 \
--rdzv_backend=c10d \ --use_ddp=True
- For test our model, we use openpose to extract 2d keypoints. We used Windows Portable Demo for get
file. - Put the image in a folder and run openpose like the code below will create a
keypoint file. Please refer./test
bin\OpenPoseDemo.exe --image_dir {test_folder} --write_json {test_folder} --hand --write_images {test_folder}\test --write_images_format jpg
- Download the checkpoint file for quick results.
cd checkpoints && wget && cd ..
- You can inference our model easily. This results depth map, normal map, and depth pointclouds
python --load_ckpt {checkpoint_file_name} --save_path {result_save_folder}
- To run the Poisson surface reconstruction, run the code below. Depending on your CPU performance, it will take between 1 and 10 minutes per object.
python --save_path {result_save_folder}
- Consisting of 2,050 3D human models from 80 DSLR cameras.
- Due to watermarking, the dataset will be released on June 16th.
title={High-fidelity 3D Human Digitization from Single 2K Resolution Images},
author={Han, Sang-Hun and Park, Min-Gyu and Yoon, Ju Hong and Kang, Ju-Mi and Park, Young-Jae and Jeon, Hae-Gon},
booktitle={Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},