🚧 This is presently under heavy construction.
- Rust 1.70+
$ cargo add protoflow
use protoflow::*;
use protoflow::derive::*;
use protoflow::blocks::{Const, Drop};
use protoflow::transports::MockTransport;
use protoflow::System;
let system = System::<MockTransport>::build(|s| {
let source = s.block(Const::<i32>::new(s.output(), 42));
let sink = s.block(Drop::<i32>::new(s.input()));
s.connect(&source.output, &sink.input);
use protoflow::runtimes::StdRuntime;
use protoflow::transports::MockTransport;
use protoflow::{Runtime, System};
let system = System::<MockTransport>::build(|s| {
/* ... build the system here ... */
let transport = MockTransport::new();
let mut runtime = StdRuntime::new(transport).unwrap();
let running_system = runtime.execute(system).unwrap();
use protoflow::derive::FunctionBlock;
use protoflow::{BlockResult, FunctionBlock, InputPort, OutputPort};
/// A block that simply echoes inputs to outputs.
#[derive(FunctionBlock, Clone)]
pub struct Echo(pub InputPort<i64>, pub OutputPort<i64>);
impl FunctionBlock<i64, i64> for Echo {
fn compute(&self, input: i64) -> BlockResult<i64> {
use protoflow::derive::Block;
use protoflow::{Block, BlockResult, BlockRuntime, InputPort, Message};
/// A block that simply discards all messages it receives.
#[derive(Block, Clone)]
pub struct Drop<T: Message>(#[input] pub InputPort<T>);
impl<T: Message> Block for Drop<T> {
fn execute(&mut self, _runtime: &dyn BlockRuntime) -> BlockResult {
while let Some(message) = self.0.recv()? {
use protoflow::derive::Block;
use protoflow::{Block, BlockResult, BlockRuntime, InputPort, Message, OutputPort, Port};
use std::time::Duration;
/// A block that passes messages through while delaying them by a fixed
/// duration.
#[derive(Block, Clone)]
pub struct Delay<T: Message> {
/// The input message stream.
pub input: InputPort<T>,
/// The output target for the stream being passed through.
pub output: OutputPort<T>,
/// A configuration parameter for how much delay to add.
pub delay: Duration,
impl<T: Message + Clone + 'static> Block for Delay<T> {
fn execute(&mut self, runtime: &dyn BlockRuntime) -> BlockResult {
while let Some(message) = self.input.recv()? {
if self.output.is_connected() {
$ git clone https://github.com/artob/protoflow.git