Balance robot using ESP32 board and RTOS
This system is categorized as a Hard Real Time system. If the tasks tasks are not completed in sufficient time, the robot will lose equilibrium and fall, i.e. a failure will occur.
A development board with an integrated ESP32 microcontroller. It has the possibility of connecting to WiFi and Bluetooth, which allows wireless communication and remote control.
Tri-axis gyroscope and accelerometer combined in one chip. This sensor provides information on tilt and acceleration of the robot, which is essential for maintaining balance. It can also measure temperature.
Bridge H for controlling DC motors. This circuit enables the control and power supply of DC motors and provides feedback for robot stabilization and motion. It also has a 5V output which will power the ESP32 board.
The LED is used for information purposes.
Used to enable/disable the robot functionality.
The drive elements of the robot. The DC motors are responsible for the movement of the robot and their speed and direction is controlled by signals generated from the rest of the system components
The robot is powered by a battery that provides the energy for its operation.
F-F type cables are used to connect all devices.