Note: I have created a new repo + Python library which is more optimised and contains many feature and aslo well documented and structured. Requesting everyone use that instead of this Repo.
pip3 install Bharat-sm-data
WebSite-Url :
That uses NSE private search api for getting id of a stock
example tata moors (Common name) :- TATAMOTORSEQN (ID assigned by NSE)
from general import getId
id = getId('tata motors')
Gives all data of all companies including NIFTY, and you save it as CSV file. getTodayData() returns tuple in the form of (nifty_data, Company_data)
from today_all_stocks import getTodayData
nifty_data, companies_data = getTodayData()
if you call the function intraDay(company_id) or nifty_intraDay(nifty_type) to get live data i.e., from 09:00:00 AM to till now
For Companies use like this,
from intra_day import Intra_Day
ID = Intra_Day('TATA MOTORS')
timeStamp, dataPoints = ID.intraDay()
and for NIFTY use,
from intra_day import Intra_Day
ID = Intra_Day('NIFTY 50')
timeStamp, dataPoints = ID.nifty_intraDay()
call nifty_intraday() or intraDay() as many times you need
This will give you the historical data of that stock. max 3 years
from individual_company_stock import getHistoryData
# Default params : from_date = today's date in last year DD-MM-(YYYY-1), to_date=today's date DD-MM-YYYY
# for example today is 30-04-2021; from_date = 30-04-2020 to_date = 30-04-2021
from individual_company_stock import niftyHistoryData
niftyHistoryData('NIFTY 50')
# Default params : from_date = today's date in last year DD-MM-(YYYY-1), to_date=today's date DD-MM-YYYY
# for example today is 30-04-2021; from_date = 30-04-2020 to_date = 30-04-2021